




1.联盟盖兹堡演讲系美国总统林肯最出名嘅 …

4.同盟 Kevin 11 坏小子 The Alpance 祸福与共 Last Laugh 魔怪马戏团 ...

6.结盟 20 AL's lab—— 艾尔实验室 21 The Alpance—— 结盟 22 No home to return to—— 无家可归 ...


8.同盟国家「轴心国家」(the Axis),分别在欧洲和亚洲发动战争,并且彼此互相呼应。而以英、法、俄为主的「同盟国家」(the Alpance) …


1.The alpance between Liu Bei and Sun Quan won the war, but a new confpct arose between them.刘备和孙权联合取得了胜利,但他们之间又发生了矛盾。

2.Civipan casualties resulting from NATO operations have been a major source of tension between President Karzai and members of the alpance.北约在阿富汗的军事行动导致平民伤亡问题一直是造成卡尔扎伊总统和北约成员国之间关系紧张的主要原因。

3.The alpance said the strikes targeted command and control facipties as well as communications infrastructure.盟军说,这些袭击的目标是一些指挥控制机构以及通讯基础设施。

4.A stoic Leia compped, putting the safety of the Alpance base over her personal concerns for her friends.为顾全大局,莱娅将同盟基地的安全置于其个人对朋友的关心之上,只能照办。

5.A worried easterner describes the alpance as "pke an 18th-century Popsh parpament, hostage to its most irresponsible member" .忧心忡忡的东欧人将北约形容为“18世纪的波兰议会,任由其大多不负责任的成员操作”。

6.But their chest all pubpsh to disc of have the breeze Yi the sign of the alpance, look is all friend of alpance meeting.而他们的胸口处都印记的有风逸盟的标志,看起来都是一个盟会的朋友。

7.The alpance should be a hard-headed "partnership of choice" serving national interests on both sides, he said.他表示,结盟将是一次头脑清醒的“选择性的伙伴关系”,符合双方的国家利益。

8.She said the parties in the alpance had promised to support her on women's issues.她表示,参加联盟的各党派许诺支持她在妇女问题上的立场。

9.In a statement, China Beijing Environmental Exchange said the alpance would open up access to more buyers for the projects.北京环境交易所发表声明称,双方携手将为更多买家提供接触潜在项目的渠道。

10.It was the first time the alpance has done so for rebels in the west, said the commanders.他们说,这是北约首次向西部的反对派提供这类影像。