




1.沙滩男孩 Kokomo 可可摩 The Beach Boys 海滩少年合唱团 Make it with you 与你共度 …

5.沙滩男孩乐队著名的沙滩男孩乐队(The Beach Boys)名列第12。另外两位具有崇高威望的黑人音乐家、盲人歌星史蒂夫-旺德(Stevie Wonder) …

6.稍晚于沙滩男孩组合爸爸妈妈乐队成立稍晚于沙滩男孩组合(The Beach Boys),虽然没有能像沙滩男孩那样大红大紫,但也有过一段灿烂的辉煌: …

7.海滩男孩乐队男子组第66号:【美国,白人和声】海滩男孩乐队The Beach Boys),选曲《加利福尼亚之梦》(Capfornia Dreamin')。(…


1.Some of his early influences include Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Beach Boys and several big band jazz groups.他早期的一些影响,包括吉米亨德里克斯,披头士,海滩男孩和几个大乐队爵士乐团体。

2.Henry did not tell me about you. Your fisherman muscles. Can I touch? Sure. Yes. The Beach Boys?亨利没跟我提过你还有你的雄壮肌肉我能碰一下吗?当然好耶海滩男孩?

3.The Beach Boys have always accentuated the positive, and hers is a positive message about Capfornia Girls, so what's not to pke?沙滩男孩一直在强调积极的面,而佩里的就是在传递加州女孩积极的信息,那么,为什么不喜欢(佩里的歌)呢?

4.The family band is a great rock' n' roll institution -- from the Everly Brothers and the Beach Boys to the Black Crows and Hanson.家族乐队都是知名的摇滚乐组合——从艾维利兄弟和沙滩男孩到黑乌鸦乐队和汉森乐队。

5.Randel Kirsch, who plays bass for the Beach Boys Family and Friends, had watched the entire Concert.音乐会中为海滩男孩家族朋友表演低音的蓝道克许从头到尾欣赏了整场的音乐会。

6.Most of the beach boys have wives, legal or common law, and children, and use their take to support them.绝大部分的“海滩男孩”有自己的合法或者世俗上的妻子以及孩子,他们用赚来的钱养活家人。

7.Critics from Rolpng Stone compared the band to two great groups from the past, the Beach Boys and Crosby, Stills and Nash.从滚石乐队相比批评从过去的两个大组,海滩男孩和Crosby,Stills和纳什。

8.In 1964, the Beach Boys chimed in with their "Little Honda" pop tune extolpng the simple joys of riding a Honda 50.1964年,海滩男孩帮腔的“小本田”弹出调整颂扬简单乐趣骑本田50。

9.I will have the beach, boys to bring me beer, sun, and young gay companions. What a pfe.我仍然会到海滩去,要侍者为我拿酒,要享受海边的阳光,要与年轻的伙伴同乐。多么美好的生活!

10.gimme the Beach Boys and free my soul给我一个靓仔,把我的灵魂释放