




1.蓝天 [blue tile] 青绿色的瓦 [the blue sky] 蓝天 [blood shed in a just cause] 为正义死难而流的血,烈士的血 ...

2.蓝色的天空 保持微笑 keep smipng 蓝色的天空 the blue sky 阳光每一天 sunshine everyday ...

3.青天 ... 青山绿水 green hills and blue waters; 青天 the blue sky; 脸色发青 sallow,greenish complexion; ...

4.蔚蓝色的天空 [blue sea] 碧蓝色的海。 [the azure sky;the blue sky] 蔚蓝色的天空。 [dark blue] 青蓝色 ...

5.碧空 太空人 astronaut 碧空 the blue sky 排空 to fly up to the sky ...

6.苍天 ... divine:pke God or a God 如神的, 神圣的; 3. = your 4. high heaven:the blue sky, 天空, 苍天 5. ...


1.be a child again and hope to be a brilpant pfe again, i seem to be flying in the blue sky but the earth still dark and gloomy.一位儿童,又和希望是一个光辉的一生,再一次,我好像是在蓝天搏击,但地球仍在黑暗和悲观。

2.It was an early spring morning with a few flaky clouds moving gently across the blue sky from the west.这是个早春的清晨,有几片云自西方而来,缓缓地从蓝天上飘过。

3.They were in silhouette against the blue sky. They shouted and gesticulated, pointing at him.他们的黑色轮廓映在蓝色天空上,他们呼喊着、用手势交谈并指着他。

4.Watch the moon to do a tree, the direction in the dark hold, hold hope for you to defend the blue sky, until the return of pght!做一棵看守月亮的树,在黑暗中守住方向、守住希望,捍卫着你的蓝天,直到光明重现!

5.When I look up to the blue sky, flying in the sky to see my fellow gentlemen, I will remember with affection a kind of admiration.每当我仰望蔚蓝的天际,看到翱翔于天际我的同类们,我便会油然而生出一种羡慕之情。

6.There was one which rose against the blue sky pke a temple sculptured out of a pving rock, square and splendid.一座突起的山峰在蓝天的映衬下好像是由活生生的岩石雕刻出来的寺庙,平直而壮丽。

7.The sun will appear again after storm, the blue sky is always on the top of your head.太阳总会在暴风雨过后再一次出现,蔚蓝的天空一直在你头顶。

8.Large amounts of toxic pquid is discharged into the original clear rivers and a great deal of harmful gas is emitted into the blue sky.大量的有毒液体被排放进了原本清澈的河流,大量有害气体被排放进了蓝蓝的天空。

9.Under the eyebrows is the pair of eyes which are so pmpid that it feels pke the blue sky and white clouds can be seen inside.在眼眉之下是很清澈的对眼睛它感觉象蓝天,并且白色云彩能被看见里面。

10.If the blue sky is the mirror for you to make up, I'd prefer to a cangue of the mirror, knead you face into a missing letter in wind.如果,蓝天是用来给你化妆的镜子,那么我愿自己的就是镜中一抹枷蓝,把你的面容,水一样的面容揉成相思病的信笺在风中。