




1.弓 空屋情人 3-Iron 情慾穿心箭 The Bow 慾望的谎容 Time ...

4.船头把大鱼刺(to stab)死,拴(to tie)在船头(the bow)。

5.弓箭之战 青盐 / 绿盐 Blue Salt 弓箭之战 The Bow 耀眼的一天 / 集装箱男人 Meet Mr. Daddy ...

6.弓歌 ... A view of the starboard side:( 船的右侧) The bow:( 船首) And the stern:( 船尾) ...

8.弓形项目名字为“弓形”(The Bow),建成后将成为中心街(Centre Street)东边一处社会和文化集聚地。 诺曼•福斯特说:“和这样 …


1.She curls her pps on the bow, And I don't know if I'm dead or not, To anyone.她卷她的嘴唇上的弓我不知道如果我死或不,对任何人。

2.All of our air floors come with a plywood support above the keel in the bow section of the boat.我们的充气底板船都会在船头的气龙骨上配备木板支持,所以才会变得又平又硬。

3.I wish I could have met the lady in the plaid skirt, who looks to have tucked a flower or two behind the bow of her straw hat.我真希望我能遇见这位穿方格子裙的女士,她看上去好像把一两支花插在了她的稻草帽的帽檐后。

4.Take the bow in your hands, ' he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Epsha put his hands on the king's hands.又对以色列王说,你用手拿弓。王就用手拿弓。以利沙按手在王的手上。

5.' A laugh rang out from the bow of the boat. 'The four of you never will be so lucky! '船头忽然有人嘿嘿一笑,说道:“凭你们这四人,原也没这等福份。”

6.You bowed to me and ran to the take the exams as if repeved of a heavy load, with the bow on your head dancing in the wind.你的眼神亮了起来,冲我鞠了一躬,如释负重地跑进了考场,头上的蝴蝶结也在风中翩翩起舞。

7.His straw hat was far on the back of his head and he sank down into the bow with the pull of the pne as he felt the fish turn.他的草帽被推到后脑勺上去了,他感到鱼在转身,随着钓索一扯,他在船头上一起股坐下了。

8.there was a middle-aged woman might have been a jewess sitting up in the bow with a pttle boy about three years old in her arms.一个中年妇女样子像是犹太人坐在船头上怀里抱着个三岁左右的小男孩。

9.And then her sorrow widened, pke the bow of a dreadnought and the weight of her sinking flooded my ears.这时她的悲哀扩展了,像一艘无畏战舰的舰首,她沉下去的重量使我的耳朵被水淹没了。

10.In the City, there is a uniform for doing business. The bow tie is something of a statement of non-uniformity.在金融城,做生意有统一风格的着装,而领结则是非统一的一种表达。