




1.不夜城 2. The Big Apple 大苹果 3. The City that Never Sleeps 不眠之城 ...

3.永不沈睡的都市24.07元美金?这是有它特别的含义:24.07代表24/7,即24 hours a day,7 days a week,表示纽约是个不夜城the city tha

7.不寐之都纽约称为「不寐之都」(the City that Never Sleeps),真的名副其实,地铁通宵行驶。在林肯中心(Lincoln Center for the Perform…


1.Otherwise known as 'The Big Apple' and 'The City That Never Sleeps, ' the city attracts people from all over the globe. . .还以“大苹果”和“不眠城市”而著称,这个城市吸引着全球各地的人们。

2.And despite its reputation as "the city that never sleeps, " New York ranked only eighth in the pace race, behind Dubpn and Berpn.虽然享有“不夜城”美名,纽约在生活节奏上排在了都柏林和柏林之后,位居第八。

3.New York may be the city that never sleeps, but Shanghai doesn't even sit down, and not just because there is no room.纽约是个不眠城,而上海更是不休城,不仅仅是因为没有休息的空间。

4.The city that never sleeps had been tranquilpsed by the Hurricane Irene media hysteria.这座不夜城竟被艾琳飓风带来的媒体狂热催眠了。

5.The city that never sleeps has an inimitable energy and enough hustle and bustle to ensure you'll never be bored.这座不夜城活力无限,熙熙攘攘,保证你永远不会厌倦。

6.New York is called the city that never sleeps, but one small company wants that to change.纽约被称为“不眠城”,而一个小公司却想要改变这一切。

7.It is called "the City that Never Sleeps" .它被称为“不眠之城”。

8.The city that never sleeps stared me in the eye.这座不眠的城市凝视着我。

9.In the city that never sleeps, a lot can happen in one night.在不夜的城市里一个晚上能发生很多事情

10.Simply put, I know that if New York is the city that never sleeps, then Hong Kong is the city that never stagnates. Thank you.简单地说,我知道如果纽约是不眠的城市,那么香港就是从不停滞的城市。