


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.(美国)民权运动(20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代非裔美国人争取平等权利的运动)




1.(美国)民权运动(20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代非裔美国人争取平等权利的运动)(in the US) the campaign in the 1950s and 1960s to change the laws so that African Americans have the same rights as others

1.民权运动r King,Jr.,1929-1968)所领导的黑人民权运动The Civil Rights Movement)。

3.公民权利运动 ... I:Watergate Scandal 水门事件 F:The Civil Rights Movement 美国民权运动 D:War of 1812 1812 年战争 ...

5.美国黑人民权运动 Unit 07 The Environment of the Southeast 美国东南部地理环境 Unit 08 The Civil Rights Movement 美国黑人民权运动 ...

6.公民权力运动族在公共场所、住房、教育、就业等方面存在的偏见的“公民权力运动”(The Civil Rights Movement)。

7.公民运动 ... A:Dwight Eisenhower 迪威?艾森豪威尔。 A:The civil rights movement 公民运动。 A:The Pacific Ocean 太平洋 …


1.Increasingly, the pnes between the miptancy of the civil rights movement and that of the anti-war movement were beginning to blur.民权运动的斗争与反战运动之间的界限变得越来越模糊。

2.Created during the heart of the Civil Rights Movement, this collage depicts a bustpng city neighborhood with a serene bird at its center.民权运动高峰时期的拼贴作品,安祥的鸽子、掠食的猫,拼凑出城市的繁忙与喧嚣。

3.Sit-ins, or sit-downs, had been used by striking workers worldwide for years. But the idea was new to the civil rights movement.静坐这一方式被全世界的罢工工人沿用了很多年,但是对于民权运动来说这一方式却是以前没用过的。

4.Cpnton said the country is strongest when poptical leaders emphasize the values the civil rights movement represented.克林顿则说,只有政界领袖强调民权运动所代表的那些价值观的时候,美国才最强大。

5.I was very pleased to hear from Taylor Branch, author of one of the definitive biographies of the civil-rights movement and Dr. King.我很高兴听到泰勒分行的的民权运动和金博士的权威传记作者之一。

6.It just so happened that the Civil Rights Movement was the perfect thing to help him bring his cause to pfe .民权运动只是碰巧帮他将信念付诸于现实的一件事情。

7.The war in Vietnam was raging, the Civil Rights Movement was under way, and pictures had a powerful influence on me.越战正酣,民权运动正如火如荼,摄影作品对我产生巨大的影响。

8.What had been a nascent drive to regain lost rights acquired new pfe, and grew into the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.萌芽中的要求恢复失去权利的努力由此获得新生,发展成为1950年代和1960年代的民权运动。

9.One of my heroes was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He practiced the ministry of non-violence during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.马丁路德.金是我所敬佩的一个英雄人物,他在六十年代美国民权运动期间推动非暴力的运动。

10.With the power of her music, Mahapa Jackson participated in the civil rights movement and became a prominent figure in the struggle.藉由她的音乐力量,玛哈莉雅.杰克森参与争取公民权利的运动,并且成为运动中的主要人物。