




1.赎金危情韦恩自己也在和绑匪进行着艰难的谈判……失望的挣扎,赎金危情The Clearing)2004 13:55

2.空地 ... 我的新朋友 My New Friend 空地 The Clearing 同性恋 Gay ...

3.家变 Terra Firma 天地间 The Clearing 清除 The Other Side 另一面 ...

6.森林净地 乌心 Oshin 森林净地 The Clearing 一起走吧 Let's Go ...

7.赎命危情 ... Ghost Ship 鬼船 The Clearing 赎命危情 Ocean's Twelve 盗海豪情十二瞒徒 ...

8.赎金注码 大清洗/赎金注码 The Clearing ------- 神佑之星/神圣星球 Sacred Planet ------- ...


1.But there seems to me no reason why they should. The customer deposit base of a bank is far greater than the clearing balance.不过,我个人认为银行没有理由这样做,原因是个别银行的客户存款基础远远大过它的结算馀额。

2.As he was walking out into the clearing where she was grazing, he was entranced by her appearance and could not take his eyes off her.当他走入她吃草区的林中空地,他为她迷人的外表而迷倒,目不转睛地看着她。

3.But the shareholders' money is only a small part of the total amount of money which the clearing banks have at their command.但是,股东的资金仅仅是资金总额中的一小局部,并由清算银行控制。

4.The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries.随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。

5.Therefore, at every time of clearing, the total amounts on both sides of the clearing house's balance sheet are always equal.所以,在每次交换时,票据交换所资金平衡表两边的总金额总是相等的。

6.Foreign banks, began to locate major branches in London to the detriment of the clearing banks.外国银行为了与英国清算银行竞争,开始在伦敦设置主要分行。

7.A few magnopas , in the clearing before the front door, were in full blossom, and their white flowers gave out a heady fragrance.门前土地上几株玉兰正开出满树的白花,一阵香气往人的鼻端送来。

8.The rally is best explained by the ease with which speculators and industrial buyers can find funds to bid up the clearing price.对于此轮上涨最好的解释是,投机者和行业买家很容易获得资金以推高结算价格。

9.Fed officials are worried that this arrangement puts the clearing banks in a difficult position in a crisis.美联储官员担心,这种机制会使清算银行在危机时期处于不利位置。

10.What can be reapzed in the vortex is the clearing of all that remains, the harmonic of love into all pfe journeys in Mer-Ka-Na.在漩涡中能够意识到的只有对遗留下来东西的清理,在Mer-Ka-Na中进入累生累世的和谐的爱。