




1.高山上的世界杯 plate)拿起来吧,另外,也别 错过在地板上的杯子the cup)。

3.奖杯tse Norbu),他拍摄了不丹史上第一部电影《高山上的世界盃》(The cup),夺得多项国际电影奖项和提名。

5.墨尔本挑战赛墨尔本挑战赛 (The Cup)

6.小喇嘛看世界杯《小喇嘛看世界杯》(The cup)是不丹国的第一部电影,喇嘛导演,喇嘛演员,喇嘛的真实生活改编,一部真正的喇嘛电影。 …

7.平地上的世界杯他所拍摄的第一部电影《平地上的世界杯》(The Cup),已经是票房黑马,因而获得拍摄《游览者与魔术师》(Travelers and Mag…


1."Now be careful, " warned Mrs. Bobbsey, as she held out the cup. "Hold on to the seats as you walk along. "“现在小心了,”鲍勃西夫人拿出杯子时,又强调了一次,“走路的时候要扶着旁边的椅子。”

2.It was a dark pttle tale about a man who found a magic cup and learned that if he wept into the cup, his tears turned into pearls.那是个悲伤的小故事,讲的是有个男人发现了一个魔法杯,得知如果他对着杯子哭泣,掉进杯里的眼泪会变成珍珠。

3.When the bus pulled away, I looked back in time to see a dog carefully carrying the cup in his mouth as he headed for home.当汽车驶离,我回头正好看见了一条狗小心翼翼地把杯子用嘴衔起,然后,回家去了。

4.As she busied herself stirring her coffee, a tear fell from her eye, straight into the cup.当她把自己的脸低下去搅动咖啡时,泪水从她的眼睛里滑落,正好掉在杯中。

5.He took a sip of the drink. His wife also took one and then set the cup down between them.他喝了一口饮料,接着他的妻子也喝了一口,然后又把饮料杯放回了他们之间。

6.It was careless of her to break the cup.她太粗心,把杯子打了。

7.She cast her eyes down, toward the cup of hot tea she had ordered, though he had pressed her to have, pke him, a real drink.她的眼睛向下瞥,看着她点的一杯热茶,尽管他要她象自己一样喝点酒。

8.How much water is there in the cup ?杯子里有多少水?

9.How much tea is there in the cup?杯里有多少茶?

10.Drop a coin into a cup, and stir with a magic wand, and it drops right through the bottom of the cup!将一个硬币放入一只杯中,然后用魔术捧搅拌,硬币就会穿过杯底中。