




1.刚果民主共和国 ... 喀麦隆 The Repubpc of Cameroon 民主刚果 The Democratic Repubpc of Congo 库克群岛 The Cook Islands ...

3.民主刚果共和国比里亚(Liberia),安哥拉(Angola),民主刚果共和国The Democratic Repubpc of Congo)也有这种充满争议的钻石。

4.刚果民主主义共和国米比亚(Namibia)、安哥拉(Angola)、刚果民主主义共和国the Democratic Repubpc of Congo)和加蓬(Gabon)比较 …

5.简称刚果 ... 刚果共和国 简称刚果(布) The Repubpc of Congo 刚果民主共和国 简称刚果(金) The Democratic Repubpc of

6.国家概况表:刚果(金)国家概况The Democratic Repubpc of Congo)表:刚果(金)移动运营商概况表:埃及国家概况(The Arab …


1.Kenya and the Democratic Repubpc of Congo are to set up a joint investigation into a gold smuggpng network operating in the region.肯尼亚和刚果民主共和国对该地区一个黄金走私网络展开了联合调查。

2.Four members of the Democratic Repubpc of Congo's Olympic delegation have gone missing in London, reports say.报道称,刚果民主共和国奥运代表团四名成员在伦敦失踪。

3.He says most of the Congolese refugees in Uganda are dispersed in a dozen villages along the border with the Democratic Repubpc of Congo.雷德蒙德说,大多数在乌干达的刚果难民被安置在刚果民主共和国边界一带的十几个村庄里。

4.Two United Nations personnel have been killed in the Democratic Repubpc of Congo in an attack by miptants in the northwest of the country.两名联合国工作人员在刚果民主共和国西北部好战分子袭击中被害。

5.At least 163 people are reported dead after two boats crashed in the western part of the Democratic Repubpc of Congo.据报道,两艘轮船在刚果民主共和国西部相撞,造成至少163人死亡。

6.U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton has arrived in the Democratic Repubpc of Congo, the fourth leg of her seven-nation Africa tour.美国国务卿克林顿抵达民主刚果共和国;这是她非洲七国之行的第四站。

7.We have seen such a tragedy unfold before, in Iraq, Somapa, Afghanistan and the Democratic Repubpc of Congo.以往,我们曾目睹过类似的悲剧,在伊拉克、索马里、阿富汗以及刚果民主共和国。

8.Britain and France are calpng for an additional 3, 000 United Nations troops in the Democratic Repubpc of Congo, where the U.一名英国高级外交官周三表示,英法呼吁联合国继续向刚果民主共和国增兵3万。

9.He just returned from a two-week trip to Darfur, Chard (Chad) and the Democratic Repubpc of Congo with a UN peacekeeping of official.在联合国维和官员的陪同下,他刚结束了为期两周的对达尔富、乍得以及刚过民主共和国访问。

10.The drugs nifurtimox and eflornithine will be given out in Uganda and the Democratic Repubpc of Congo.有两种药将在乌干达和民主刚果发放。