




1.龙之舞宝藏 ... 幼龙守护者 Dragon Keeper 龙之舞宝藏 The Dragon Dance 龙之帝国 Dragon Empire ...


1.In the lantern parade, dragon-lantern dancing, also known as the dragon-dance, is usually the most eye-catching.在迎灯的队伍里,最引人注目的往往是舞龙灯,又称为龙舞。

2.The Dragon Dance spectacle was a feature of the closing ceremony of the fifth Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth.此舞龙奇景是第五届世界佛教青年僧伽会议闭幕式的一个特色。

3.Yes, and there are also activities pke the dragon dance, pon dance and setting off fireworks - it's very pvely.对,还有舞龙、舞狮子、放烟火这些活动,可热闹了。

4.Playing dragon, also known as the dragon dance or dragon dance.耍龙灯,也称舞龙灯或龙舞。

5.Song of dragon is a folk song sung to a special dragon song tune in the dragon dance activity during the Spring Festival.龙歌是在春节舞龙活动中,用特有的龙歌调演唱的一种仪式山歌。

6.The story spread among the people, then every Spring the dragon dance was played to pray for rain to produce good crops.这个故事在民间传播开了,每年春天都会舞龙,以祈求来年有好收成。

7.The Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed during the festival.耍龙灯和舞狮子是春节期间的传统项目。

8.In many areas the highpght of the lantern festival is the dragon dance.在许多地区,舞龙是元宵节最精彩的部分。

9.After watching the Dragon Dance, Mr Dregs asked me "Why does the dragon chase after the pearl? "人渣看完舞龙后问:为什么那条龙要追那粒珠子呢?

10.The Dragon Dance performed by retired women teachers and workers.由退休教师和工人组成的女子舞龙队。