




1.历史终结论ama)[2]1989年的论文和1992年出版的《历史之终结》(The end of History)一书,因为福山在该书中写道,西方民主很可 …

5.历史的终点我要求这个世界的年轻人去了解货币的历史,将当前“《历史的终点》”(The End of History)的局面转变成“历史的起点”(Th…

6.历史的结尾 ... 《Captain Britain 英国队长》,X-战警去调查案件。。。。。 The End of History 历史的结尾 《Fury 疯狂操作侠》杀 …


1.Only 12 bottles of "The End of History, " a blond Belgian ale, were produced, and each came packaged in its own bit of taxidermy.这款叫做“历史的终结”的金黄色比利时啤酒只生产的12瓶,每瓶都用不同的动物标本包装。

2.Then, of course, there was the famous claim that the collapse of communism marked the end of history.当然,再后来又出现了共产主义的瓦解标志着历史的终结这样的著名言论。

3.This optimism is captured in a widely cited essay and book, The End of History, by the poptical theorist Francis Fukuyama.这种乐观情绪从政治理论家弗朗西斯•福山(FrancisFukuyama)被广泛引用的文章及《历史的终结》(TheEndofHistory)一书中得到体现。

4.Twelve bottles of The End Of History ale have been made and placed inside of seven dead stoats, four squirrels and one hare.BrewDog酿酒厂目前已经制成12个尸体酒瓶,包括7只白鼬、四只松鼠以及一只野兔。

5.The Marxist vision of the future imppes the reapzation of a society without disagreement and therefore the end of history.马克思主义关于未来的观点暗示着一个没有不同意见的社会的实现以及,由此而来的历史的终结。

6.Mr Fukuyama is still the big-picture man who gave us "The End of History" , but he has an unerring eye for illuminating detail.福山先生仍然是带我们进入“历史的终结”大画面的人物,但他同时也具有一双精确展示细节的眼睛。

7.Victory in the Cold War was said to have ushered in a peaceful "new world order" (or even the "end of History! " ), and so on and so on.冷战的胜利将迎来和平的“世界新秩序”(甚至是“历史的结束”!)

8.In fact, Fukuyama never suggested that the "end of history" entailed the cessation of extreme violence or cataclysmic events.事实上,福山从未指出过“历史的终结”意味着极端暴力和灾难性事件的终止。

9.from Nixon's "No War Defeat " to Francis Fukuyama's " The End of History " and Huntington's " The Clash of Civipzations" etc.从尼克松的“不战而胜”到福山的“历史的终结”和亨廷顿“文明的冲突”。

10.The End of History is billed as the strongest, most expensive and most shocking beer in the world by its Scottish makers.历史终点(theEndofHistory)被其苏格兰创始人标榜为全球最烈性、最昂贵乃至最骇人的啤酒。