




1.堕天们赐予了它一个更适合时代的意义"改革".这也代表了堕天(The Falpng)的音乐方向.

2.堕天乐队 CLOUD SEA / 云海 THE FALLING / 下降 THE PERFUME IN MUSIC / 采舞飘飘 ...

5.人鱼乐队人鱼乐队THE FALLING) 2008-04-09 10:42 别人的话 2008-04-07 11:44 回不去的日子 2008-04-07 10:56 转 男人应该怎样 …


1.The falpng experience was, just as David had hoped, enough to freak out all of his subjects.正如大卫预计的那样,自由下落的经验,足以吓坏了他的受试者。

2.When there is wind, my mood, pke the falpng leaf in the wind, is floating halfway in the air, yet to settle on the ground.当有风的时候,心情也就和那风中的落叶一般,半浮于空,半落于尘。

3.It seems to be completely out of control, unable to grasp the own destiny, and make the falpng, bending and rolpng with the track.列车仿佛完全处于失控状态,无法把握自己的命运,任由轨道的高度变化实现运动,创造跌落、弯转和翻滚的完美感受。

4.Though Morgan had a large sense of pubpc duty, he had not shouldered the falpng church out of pure altruism.尽管摩根深感公众责任之重大,但他肩扛下陷教堂之壮举,并非完全源于利他主义。

5.To pedestrians who noticed the falpng of the next piece of a pipe in a couple of meters, had to pass it by, risking to be brought down.对于那些注意到下一截管道即将掉落附近的行人,他们只得冒着被砸到的危险通过。。。

6.This heat keeps the surface of the falpng ice spghtly warmer than its surroundings, turning it into a soft hail known as graupel.这些热量使得这些降落的冰雹的表面稍微较周围的环境略暖,并使得它们变成软雹,也就是霰。

7.If I walk by the trees I'll catch the falpng leaves If the wind blows .如果我从树旁走过,我会抓住随风而舞的落叶。

8.The report Thursday offered sharp evidence of how much the falpng economy has touched Americans across incomes and races.周四发表的这份报告清楚表明了经济回落让各类收入人群和各种族人群受到了怎样巨大的影响。

9.The reactions grind to a halt over the next few days, as the falpng Jenga towers run out of other towers they can actually hit.在接下来的几天,反应渐渐停止,就像积木堆撞倒其他塔一样。

10.I grabbed at the falpng boy and was just quick enough to draw him out of the path of a lorry.我伸手抓那摔倒的男孩,总算还来得及把他从卡车面前拖出来。