




1.第五向度真实感,而非“即事实”,加之它以独立于时间之外的“第五向度”(the fifth dimension)的方式起作用,因此,启蒙运动以来的学 …

2.五度空间乐队 The Good Earth 大地 1937 The Fifth Dimension 五度空间乐队 Casablanca 北非谍影 ...

3.第五维度 The Fourth Dimension: 第四维度 The Fifth Dimension: 第五维度 颜色-蓝色 形状-六面体 The Sixth Dimension: 第六维度 ...

4.五度空间合唱团 Bell to Answer)的歌曲,最终成为了五度空间合唱团The Fifth Dimension)的成名曲;另一首《靠近你》(Close to You…

5.第五个维面D am en(1987)将文化教学称作语言教学的“第五个维面”(The Fifth Dimension),与听、说、读、写四项技能有着不可分割的联系 …

6.第五项修練计画、以及加州San Diego 大学的第五项修練the Fifth Dimension)计画。


1.We Are Here Primarily To Assist Planet Earth And All Life Upon Her To Make Ascension Into The Fifth Dimension.我们在这里主要是帮助行星地球和在她之上的所有生命获得提升进入第五维。

2.This is all part of the disintegration of the old and the move into another level of Light Coherence in the Fifth Dimension.这是所有旧的崩毁的部份,而且移入另一个第五次元同调光的层次。

3.The shift into the Fifth Dimension of Light is a shift into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness.到第五次元的光转变成一个更高的意识频率变化。

4.Earth and all pving things on her including humanity are transiting from the third to the fifth dimension or, in other terms, ascending.地球和其上的所有生命——包括人类——正在从第三密度前往第五密度,或用其它术语来说——提升。

5.Today, Chinese female think much of the rights of women, so democratic participation is the fifth dimension.今天,中国女性越来越关注女性权力,因此民主参与是女性的第五个维度。

6.In the Fifth Dimension of Light, accelerated frequency is experienced as slower time!在第五次元的光,频率被体验为加速慢的时间!

7.It is through this wrinkle that Meg and her companions will travel through the fifth dimension in search of Mr. Murry.正是通过这种皱纹的梅格和她的同伴们将通过第五旅行方面的搜索莫瑞先生。

8.The fifth dimension was made possible by polarisation.极化使五维空间技术成为可能。

9.In order to accomppsh this goal, a bridge of tones that will create a pathway from the third to the fifth dimension must be constructed.按正常秩序来达到这个目标,音调作为一座桥梁创造一条从第三密度到第四密度的路径。

10.It is separating those who will go into the Fifth Dimension from those who would gravitate to other worlds in the Third.它是从受三维其它世界吸引那些人中分离出将进入第五维那些人。