




1.古惑仔之出位 叠影杀机 Mist In Judge 古惑仔之出位 The Final Winner 同居蜜友 Fighting For Love ...

2.古或仔之出位 ... 废柴同盟 The Losers' Club 古或仔之出位 The Final Winner 当男人变成女人 Women from …


1.The final winner of the war must be the regions, nations or even companies which have larger pool of human resources.其竞争的胜利者将是那些占据人力资源优势的地区、国家和企业。

2.Han quiet, you think you very ill? I want to prove to you that the final winner, it's me, ah.韩雪幽,你以为你很厉害吗?我要向你证明,最后的赢家,是我,呵。

3."It depends on how the negotiation goes on and then the final winner will be chosen. "“取决于谈判的进展情况,我们会确定最终的胜出者。”

4.But the price as well as poptical considerations will ultimately decide the final winner.不过,价格以及政治考量将最终决定花落谁家。

5.The final winner even will be famous overnight and become a new music star known to everyone in the singing field.最终的优胜者更是一夜成名,成为家喻户晓的歌坛新星。

6.Then the process of reapzation of the game, get the final winner.然后实现游戏过程,获取最后的胜利者。

7.In the final winner, ultimately win the World Cup trophy cup.决赛中的获胜者,最终赢取世界杯冠军奖杯—大力神杯。

8.I figured we will be the final winner.我断定我们是最后的赢家。

9.The final winner will receive a cash award of HK 20, 000, with three runners-up receiving HK 5, 000 each.最后的优胜者可获20,000港元奖金,另三名优异奖得主每位可获5,000港元奖金。

10.Who is the final winner among the three magnates?三雄逐鹿,谁是真的英雄?