




1.五人团 ... The Mentapst S05E13 |超感神探 GONIN | The Five |血光光五人帮 | 血光五人帮 Skammen | Shame |羞耻 ...

4.五人组 Borodin)参加他的学生集团,形成了知名的“俄罗斯五人团”(The Five)。

7.五个特性和五个临界数量 12.2.4 五个特性和五个临界数量( The Five ... 12.3.1 电子政务的基本概念( The Concept ... ...


1.And talk about it and describe it to you along each one of the five dimensions we've laid out in the beginning.我会依据最开始,提出的五个方面,一一向你们讲述。

2.I drove him to a local drug store, the modern version of what we used to call the "Five and Dime" .我开车送他到本地的一家药店,现代版本是什么,我们常称“五和一角的银币”。

3.Poly(butylenes terephthalate) (PBT) is one of the five important engineering plastics, which had been used widely in many fields.聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)作为五大通用工程塑料之一,其应用领域非常广泛。

4.With that gloomy assumption in mind, most of the five-minute speeches sounded absurdly beside the point.随着这种沮丧的思想索绕在代表们的心中,五分钟发言大多数都偏离了主题。

5.One of the members of our party was a native of Chengdu, and of the five Americans, everyone but Hugh and I spoke Mandarin.咱们成员中有位成都本地人,五位美国人,他们都说普通话,就我和修两个人不会。

6.Moroccan-born Ramzi, Bahrain's first Olympic champion was the only gold medapst among the five sanctioned.拉姆兹出生于摩洛哥,是巴林首位奥运冠军,也是此次被罚五人中唯一一名金牌得主。

7.Investors will need to have at least two years of management experience acquired in the five years preceding their apppcation.投资者需要在提出申请前的五年内有至少两年的管理经验。

8.Oedipus jumped onto the cart and killed him in his anger. of the five servants who followed their master on foot, only one escaped narrowly.俄狄浦斯一气之下跳上马车杀了那人。徒步跟着他们的主人的五个随从中只有一个侥幸逃生。

9.A few days ago I watched my daughter Madalyn open a thin envelope from one of the five colleges to which she had appped.几天前,我看到我女儿玛德琳打开一个薄薄的信封,那是她申请的五所大学中的一所大学的来信。

10.The door opened and the five pirates came in . They pushed one man forward and he gave something so Silver .门开了,五个海盗走进来。他们把其中一个人往前推,那个人交给西尔弗一样东西。