




1.绿骑士 ... 狮心王( King Louen The Lionheart) 绿骑士( The Green Knight) 湖神使者( The Fay Enchantress) ...

2.绿衣骑士 ... ) the Green Knight 绿衣骑士 ) the black knight 黑衣骑士 ...

3.青骑士 ...圣杯骑士 The Grail Knights青骑士 The Green Knight湖神先知 The Damsels ...

4.绿色骑士 获惠特布雷德文学奖,《大海啊,大海》( The Sea, the Sea, 1978) 获布克奖。其它作品如《 绿色骑士》( The Green Kni


1.After the Green Knight leaves, the company goes back to its festival, but Gawain is uneasy.经过绿骑士叶片,该公司可追溯到其节,但加文是不安。

2.This book has three such tales: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Tale of the Kitchen Knight, and Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady.这本书有三个这样的故事:加文爵士与绿骑士,骑士的厨房故事,加文爵士与Loathly夫人。

3.Intent on fulfilpng the terms of the contract, Gawain presents his neck to the Green Knight, who proceeds to feign two blows.打算履行合同的条款,高文提出了他的脖子绿骑士,谁收益假装两个冲击。

4.But the Green Knight forgives him and gave him the girdle as a gift.但绿衣骑士原谅了他,并把腰带赠给他做礼物。

5.Stunned, Arthur hesitates to respond, but when the Green Knight mocks Arthur's silence, the king steps forward to take the challenge.目瞪口呆,阿瑟犹豫作出反应,但是,当绿骑士嘲笑阿瑟的沉默,国王的前进步骤采取的挑战。

6.He agreed to stay on till New Year's Day since he was told that the Green Knight pved nearby.高文答应多住几日,直到元旦,因为城堡主人告诉他绿衣骑士就住在附近。

7.Soon after that, Gawain set off to look for the Green Knight to receive his cut.不久以后,高文爵士便出发寻找绿衣骑士,去接受那许下的一斧。

8.Angered, Gawain shouts that their contract has been met, but the Green Knight merely laughs.激怒了,高文喊声,他们的合同已经得到满足,但绿骑士只是笑。

9.On the third feint, the Green Knight nicks Gawain's neck, barely drawing blood.关于第三个假动作,绿骑士尼克斯高文的脖子,几乎抽血。

10.Gawain calls out, and the Green Knight emerges to greet him.高文呼吁的那样,与绿骑士出现迎接。