




1.飞翔的爱 ... (Eduart)《 飞翔的爱》 (The Gymnast)《 花与爱丽丝》 (Close Your Eyes and Hold Me)《 对称 …

3.翱翔的爱理》(最后一段讲地是,这片子有点反常,慎看啊) 《翱翔地爱(The Gymnast)》(做地体操动作很美,就是演员不美啊,叹 …


1."I've been watching this show forever! " the gymnast told TVGuide. com during the filming of the episode. "To be on this show is amazing. "“我追这部剧追了很久了!”在拍摄现场,这位运动员告诉《电视指南》说。“能来客串真是太好了。”

2.I understand that you often use the example of the gymnast Sang Lan to show how people can find happiness even in difficult times.我知道,你常拿体操运动员桑兰的例子来说明人们如何即使在困难时也能够找到幸福。

3.The gymnast tried to keep her balance but fell off the beam.体操运动员设法保持她的平衡,但是还是掉了下来。

4.The horizontal bar is a sopd steel bar, from which the gymnast perform a variety of swings while hanging.单杠是一坚固钢质横杆,运动员在上面做回环等动作。

5.The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如。风度,魅力

6.The gymnast was epminated from the competition when she failed to complete her routine.这位体操选手未能完成她的动作因而被淘汰了。

7.The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作。

8.The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。

9.The gymnast extended her arms horizontally.那女子体操运动员平伸双臂。

10.Every meet also includes an all-round champion, the gymnast who has compiled the highest point total in all events.每次比赛还有一名全能冠军,即所有项目得分相加最高的体操运动员。