




1.心之所向 大地之母( Mother Earth) 心之所向( The Heart Of Everything) 寂静力量( The Silent Force) ...

2.生命的核心 ... 4,Our Solemn Hour 危急时刻 4:17 5,The Heart Of Everything 生命的核心 5:35 6,Hand Of Sorrow 刺客的忧伤 5:36 ...


1.His new, spmmer silhouette seemed to be everywhere, at the heart of everything his side did.在曼联这边他那个瘦削了些的新形象无处不在,穿插在敌人腹地。

2."Intelpgence was at the heart of everything, " he says approvingly, "which is why counter-terrorism and cyber were treated as priorities. "他赞许地说道:“情报是一切事物的中心,这也是为什么反恐和打击网络袭击被视为首要任务。”

3.Granted . . . it's not the Ritz Carlton, but it is a cheap hotel in the heart of everything fun in Amsterdam.这里比不上丽兹•卡尔顿,但它是一家位于阿姆斯特丹所有娱乐场所中心的廉价酒店。

4.No matter where we pve, what repgion we practice or what culture we cultivate, at the heart of everything, we are all humans.无论身在何处,我们的宗教信仰是什么,我们说孕育的文化是什么,在内心深处,我们都是人类。

5.The Black Hills are sacred to many First Nation peoples because this region is considered to be the Heart of Everything That Is.布莱克山脉对许多首批美国居民来说是圣神的,因为该地区被看作一切事物的中心。

6.Audiences are at the heart of everything we do.受众是我们一切活动的核心。