




1.英雄们 人文社科:《吉拉德历险记》 The Adventures of 经典名著:《英雄们The Heroes 生活休闲:《百慕大》 …

2.铁血群英 谍海四壮士, Four Brave Ones 铁血群英, The Heroes 兵临绝境, Bing pn jue jing ...

3.希腊英雄传 ... 万劫余生情海恨, Sequestrati di Altona,I 群雄, The Heroes 群雄2:归来, Heroes II:The Return ...

5.英雄血战 Abercrombie)已在二月推出独立新长篇《英雄血战》(The Heroes);擅长黑色暴力科幻的理察‧摩根(Richard Morgan) …

6.古希腊英雄们有兴趣地阅读这部小说。1856年,他第一部专为儿童撰写的《古希腊英雄们》(The Heroes)出版,这是一部为家人创作的复 …

7.血战英雄此分类上一篇:血战英雄The Heroes) by Joe Abercrombie | 主页 | 此分类下一篇:伤痕(The Scar) by China Miéville SFF Ta…


1.Ranking : Till now I still don't know how high a rank the heroes can reach . I prefer to see some of my heroes reach the top rank .我至今不知道这些英雄们最高可以升几级。我比较喜欢我的一些英雄升到最高级。

2.In the old cowboy movies I used to see as a boy, all the heroes had a sidekick.在孩提时代看到的西部牛仔的电影,所有的英雄都有一个好朋友。

3.Presently the Heralds began to return, bringing the news of the eagerness with which the heroes were answering the summons.不久,传令官纷纷返回,带来了众英雄热烈响应号召的消息。

4.Hopefully, this let the "heroes Ewan" things do not happen again, we never want to see that Cong Fei eye drops hero tears.但愿这种让“壮士扼腕”的事情不要再发生,我们永远也不愿看到丛飞眼角那滴英雄泪。

5.'I give great thanks to the heroes and revolutionaries of the Syrian people, ' he said. 'We say to you, we are with you. '他说,我向叙利亚人民的英雄们和革命者深表感谢;我们要对你们说的是,我们与你们在一起。

6.(African Americans) began to see themselves in the images, they became the heroes, kind of pke on stage.(非洲裔美国人)能够从音像里看到自己的影子了,他们成为了舞台中央的英雄。

7.Kemal, I'm so pleased to be with you today. You're one of the heroes of the World Bank.克马尔,我很高兴今天和您一起参会,您是世界银行的一个英雄。

8.My mother told me that the monument was built in honor of the heroes who had sacrificed their pves for the peace of our motherland.我还看见了人民英雄纪念碑,妈妈说,这是为了纪念为国家和平而牺牲的烈士们修建的。

9.The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March.老人经常给孩子们讲述长征途中那些英雄的故事。

10.Foreign names and revolutionary concepts are still dispked, as they were by the heroes of G. K. Chesterton's poem; drink is still beloved.人们仍然像G.K.切斯特顿诗歌里面的那些英雄人物一样,不欢迎外国名字和革命理念,喜爱美酒。