




1.凶榜 Dr. Faustus( 浮士德博士) The Imp小恶魔) Mammoth( 猛犸象) ...

3.孽欲追击档案之邪杀 ... Hu Du Men( 虎度门) The Imp( 孽慾追击档案之邪杀) Big Bullet( 冲锋队怒火街头) ...

5.小野猫 ... An Immortal Refuses Love 韩湘子雪夜过情关 The Imp 小野猫 In the Snowy Mountain 冰山火线 ...

6.英文名 ... 李登 Dun Lee 英文名: The Imp 资源格式: HALFCD ...

7.这个实施计划的重要性 他应该要明白 He has to first understand 这个实施计划的重要性 The imp 刚才赵老师也说了 Just now Professor Zhao said ...


1.Since the Imp is not a tank, the AI was smart enough to make the Imp move out of harm's way as he nuked from range.因为小鬼不是一辆坦克,AI足够聪明,让小鬼移到了伤害距离之外从远处攻击。

2.The truth is a personage to whom there has for a very long time been given a skin, hair and even a well to dwell in and to act the imp.真理是一个大人物,长久以来,它被给予皮肤、头发、甚至是重新装饰,然后表现出他的精神。

3.For a moment his bitterness toward his brother was forgotten, until he remembered what the Imp had done.有那么一瞬间,他对弟弟的苦涩感觉似乎消失了,直到他重新忆起小恶魔都做了些什么。

4.The IMP elppsoid is equivalent to the arbitrary shape of structural object for the description and analysis of deformation.在进行构造变形描述和分析时,构造标志体形状与其惯量投影椭球是等效的。

5.Retribution Aura does not receive bonuses from +spell damage items just pke Thorns and the Imp's fire Shield don't.也不会从加额外伤害的装备中得到奖励,就像术士的火焰盾也会一样。

6.Identify new business opportunities. Acquire, develop, and improve DHL's market share on the IMP product.发现新的业务机会,获取、发展和提高DHL在进口快件的市场份额。

7.Houston's totem could be the Imp of Incongruity.休斯敦的图腾可能正是一个代表不协调的神灵。

8.lady lannister , you mean ? are you so eager to see the imp perched on your father ' s seat ?兰尼斯特夫人,你是说?你这么渴望看到小恶魔蹲在你父亲的座位上?

9.You can't name your pet, but the Imp a first level Warlock gets was super kewl.你不能给你的宠物命名,但初级术士得到的小鬼非常有趣。

10.With the imp ac to f informatization and the practice of culture strategy, Nanjing has to face a new development direction.信息化浪潮的侵袭以及文化战略的实施使南京市面临新的发展方向。