




1.复仇的利齿 诱拐女人的女人 De profundis 入侵者 / 闯入者 The Intruder 荒唐周五夜 Friday Night ...

3.入侵者 "The Siege, Part 3" 围攻(下) "The Intruder" 入侵者 "Runner" 逃亡者 ...

4.蛇降 ... 富江 Tomie 迷情三角谋杀案 The Intruder 布莱尔女巫 The Blair Witch Project ...

6.闯入者图片 在赫因中日出图片 Sunrise in Hua Hin 闯入者图片 The intruder 成分图片 Components 2 ...

7.心之潜蚀 军中禁恋 Beau travail 心之潜蚀 The Intruder 星期五晚上 Friday Night ...

8.不速之客 爱的伤痛 Wounds of Love 不速之客 The Intruder 我的天真 Pure Innocence ...


1.Then he got his break his wife pretended to faint and the intruder who was holding him went into the other room to see what was happening.木匠老伴假装昏倒,看押木匠的抢匪到另一房中,看看究竟发生啥事,老木匠这才有了机会。

2.The U. S. CIA and the FBI has been investigating the matter, trying to confirm the identity and motive of the intruder.目前美国中情局及美国联邦调查局已对此事展开调查,试图确认入侵者的身份和动机。

3.The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow.闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。

4.Finn picked up the intruder as if he were a rag doll, carting him to the other side of his enclosure which only opened last month.芬抱起这个入侵者就象捡起一只布娃娃,夹持着他走向它的围栏的另一端,这个围栏上个月刚刚启用。

5.In London, security measures are all about detailed systems of preventative cogs, each one turning to make pfe hard for the intruder.在伦敦,所有安防措施均是预防性步骤组成的环环相扣的系统,每一步都让盗贼举步维艰。

6.It was not the intruder that "caused" the break, but the lack of a real relationship.并不是不速之客“导致了”决裂,而是缺乏真实的关系。

7.If the data on the network is encrypted , it is still safe even if the intruder managed to break through a firewall. P.宏是一个完成特定应用程序的命令序列。5。如果网络上数据经过加密,即使入侵者设法突破防火墙,这些数据也是安全的。

8.I do not think the intruder could have come across the garden, for in that case we should see his footprints.我认为闯进来的人不可能从庭园里进来,如果是那样的话我们该看到他的脚印。

9.She was naked, having just came from bathing. But she was also prepared for the intruder. She carried two knives.她正在沐浴,大概听见不寻常的动静,便拿着两把刀,浑身赤裸着跑来对付入侵者。

10.It took a week to winkle out the intruder. Nobody knows what, if any, damage was caused.足足一个星期之后入侵者才被剔除,如果有损失的话,没有人知道这次入侵导致的损失是什么。