




1.纵横天下 ... 1971 《黑白道》 The Brave And The Evil 1971 《纵横天下The Invincible 1971 《追命枪》 The Desperat…

2.所向披靡 鬼门太极 The Evil Karate 太极元功 The Invincible 少林功夫 Shaopn Kung Fu ...


1.You'd bring along the invincible spear-head with you to be safe.那你要记得带着这只铁枪头以防万一。

2.Mencius said: " the invincible foreign patients, Mak perish" , a country without the enemy, will gradually become weak, and eventually die.孟子曰:“无敌国外患者,国恒亡”,一个国家没有敌人,就会慢慢变得软弱,最终走向灭亡。

3.Mr Lam said he wants to buy the Invincible through his South China company Sunway Yachts and move her to China for renovation.他想通过名下的珠海绅斯威游艇公司买下无敌号航母并运回中国维修。

4.If the operator wants to be in the invincible position in the competition, they must develop and maintain its commercial secret.经营者要想在竞争中处于不败之地,就必须努力开发和维持其商业秘密。

5.He possessed a power stronger than the power of money, or terror, or death, the invincible power to command the love of mankind.他手中掌握的这种威力,比金钱、恐惧或死亡更强大,可以激发人类的爱慕之心,所向披靡。

6.Recalled this, opens the invincible army to be somewhat low-spirited .回想起这一幕,张铁军有些黯然。

7.Thus it is easy to understand how law, instead of checking injustice, becomes the invincible weapon of injustice.因此,不难理解法律是如何不再维护正义,变成不公正的无敌武器。

8.We truly are the invincible bandits of this place!我们真是地方上无敌的强盗呀!

9.The invincible force of diamonds can be broken by ram's blood.钻石的不可克服的强度可被公羊的血所破。

10.I would cry when I compared the gentle, artistic soul I had fallen in love with to the invincible foe I faced at the end.当我将那个我爱上的温柔而且艺术的灵魂和我最终面对的那个不可战胜敌人作比较时,我会哭。