




1.领袖 ... 84.《技术趋势》 Tech Trends 86.《领导者The Leader 88.《国际教育媒体》 Educational Media In…

3.领袖型 the mentor 良师益友型 the leader 领袖型 the athlete 运动员型 ...

4.领导人 status leader 威望领袖;地位领袖 The Leader 领导者;领导人;领军者;骑射响马 ...

5.领军者们的子女呼吁的精神。澳大利亚领导者报The Leader)记者Stacy Allen六月五日撰文介绍了戴志珍一家的遭遇及其为法轮 …

7.这一领域的带头人彭实戈教授的评价信中指出, 彭是“倒向随机微分方程这一领域的带头人(The Leader)”。


1.Since then, Chinese and international media have been trying to track where the leader is visiting.自从那时起,中国和国际媒体都试图追踪金正日访问的路线。

2.I got the blue flag and I let him go by. Right after that, the safety car came into the track and I was stuck behind the leader.我看到蓝旗后让他过去了。就在这之后,安全车进入赛道我被堵在了领先者之后。

3.For instance, in 1960 she was commissioned by Life to follow Malcolm X, the leader of the Black Muspms, for a year.比如1960年,她受《生活周刊》委托对当时黑色穆斯林领袖马尔科姆。艾克斯(1)进行一年的跟踪拍摄。

4.He was the leader of the children and occasionally, in discharging his role, something of a bully.他是儿童中的头儿,而为了执行头儿的任务,偶尔也有些霸道。

5.'The leader is not in hiding. He is in a safe place, ' Mr. Ibrahim said. 'He is well. He is healthy. He is in high spirits. '易卜拉欣说,卡扎菲没有藏起来,他在安全的地方,他很好,很健康,情绪高昂。

6.It failed, but Sun began to be known at home and abroad as the leader of a revolutionary group.尽管起义遭到失败,但是孙中山开始以革命团体领导人的身份闻名海内外。

7.At the end of the meeting with the leader of the opposition, the Obama also did not have even dinner, on the back snow storms in WA.在结束了同反对党领袖的会面后,奥巴马连晚饭也没吃,就在风雪中返回华盛顿。

8.It's true, Kyle was the leader, but only because he was more able to inspire those around him.尽管Kyle是正式的领袖,但这仅仅是因为他更善于鼓舞周围的人。

9.Therefore, the leader of this company to call specially thanks to us. At present, the company has become the long-term partner.为此,该公司领导特意致电鼎宏公司表示谢意。目前该公司已经成为鼎宏公司的长期合作伙伴。

10.This confusion between the money of the state and that of the leader is one consequence of dictatorship.国家财产与领袖财产的混同是独裁的一个结果。