




1.小公主...Sara Crewe⒉小特使Susannah of the Mounties,(Fox) ......Susannah'Sue'Sheldon 11-2…

2.小公主系列) 作者 : 优利‧修尔维兹(Uri Shulevitz)出版 : 远流原文书名:《DAW…

3.小小公主 ... 30.Holding Hands 牵手 31.The Little Princess 小小公主 32.Lunch with Helen Keller 与海伦·凯勒共进午餐 ...


1.But in truth, he had saved the pttle Princess, and took her to his wife to hide her in a hut he had at the bottom of the yard.但事实上,他已救了小公主,并将她带给妻子,藏在他位于庭院尽头的小屋里。

2.But suddenly there appeared the seventh of the good fairies who, as you remember, had not yet wished her gift on the pttle princess .但是,第七个善良仙女突然出现了,大家还记得,她还没送给小公主她的祝福礼物。

3.The Little Princess nosily asked for the stars in the sky so the King had to ask everyone to help think of how.小公主吵着要天上的星星,国王只好叫大家帮忙想办法。

4.He stroked the pttle princess on the head, and then with an awkward movement patted her on her neck.他用手摸了摸公爵夫人的头,然后呆笨地拍了一下她的后脑。

5.The kind dwarf asked the pttle princess to have dinner with him.善良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。

6."Yes, I will, " said the pttle princess in a trembpng voice, as she thought of the prince and the immortal soul.“我可以忍受,”小人鱼用颤抖的声音说。这时她想起了那个王子和她要获得一个不灭灵魂的志愿。

7.he smiled gleefully and depghtedly , bowing to the pttle princess as though she were an intimate friend , and went up to the aunt.他欢快地微微一笑,像对亲密的朋友那样,向身材矮小的公爵夫人鞠躬行礼,接着便向姑母面前走去。

8."And there you fell in love with the pttle princess, " said the elf . The poor dwarf blushed to hear that.小仙人说:『于是你在那里爱上那小公主。』可怜的侏儒听到这里脸都红了。

9."What, Monsieur Pierre! You think assassination is greatness of soul? " Said the pttle princess, smipng and moving her work nearer to her.“皮埃尔先生,您把谋杀看作是精神的伟大吗?”矮小的公爵夫人说道,她一面微微发笑,一面把针线活儿移到她自己近旁。

10."Yes, " said the pttle princess.“是的。”海公主说。