





2.漫长的旅行1994-95秋冬女装 漫长的旅行 (The Long Journey) *蒙古、西藏、中国和爱斯基摩。


1.To it goes the long journey of the soul after death; in it shine all things with the brilpance of a great pght.灵魂死后经过长途施行而到那里去,在里面的是伟大之光的光辉,它照耀着万物。

2.The long journey seems to have taken it out of him.长途跋涉看来已使他筋疲力尽。

3.He took some books with him in order that he would not get bored during the long journey.他随身带了几本书以便在漫长的旅途中不会太无聊。

4."Say, " remarked Osterman, as the train pulled out of the Bonneville Station, and the two men settled themselves for the long journey.“嗨,”奥特曼说,这时火车开出了波思维尔车站,两人都坐定了,预备赶这段漫长的路。

5.To succeed in such a race, vehicles first have to plot a fast and feasible route for the long journey ahead.若要赢得这项比赛,车辆得先为前方的漫长路途,规划出一条快速且可行的路线。

6.But Yang was worried that the long journey would be tough on her aged parents.但杨佩红担心,长途旅行可能会令上了年纪的父母吃不消。

7.The long journey on the train exhausted this silly sister, who took flowers to home from thousands of miles away.她坐火车回家,漫长的旅途,折腾坏了这位千里带花的痴姐姐。

8.The long journey seems to have taken it out of mother.长途跋涉似乎把妈妈给累垮了。

9.The so-called hometown is nothing more than a last stop for our ancestors to settle down after the long journey of roaming.所谓的故乡,只不过是我们的祖先在流浪的道路上落脚的最后一站。

10.At last, it was time to say goodbye , Dorothy expressed the heartfelt thanks to her friends for their company on the long journey.片段三:到最后和伙伴们告别的时刻了,桃乐丝感谢大家这么久陪伴自己一路走来。