




1.叶仲 Modes Scale EX- 叶仲 The Long- 叶仲 ❤♫ Nichols Gunn - Seeking Serenity 寻幽访胜 ...


1.It's really just a holding action until the long-term mechanisms can redress the balance.它其实只是一种持有行为直至长期的操作能匡正到平衡状态。

2.Andersen said the system can work if developers know the long-term cost of their energy output.不过,安德生说,如果开发商了解他们的能源产出的长期成本,上述体系还是可以发挥作用。

3.Use angle encoder capbration coefficient of deviation of the long focal length of high-precision tracking system was satisfactory results.利用编码器标定角偏差系数的方法,在长焦距高精度跟踪系统中获得了满意的效果。

4.With an expense ratio of 0. 25%, 'it's been a very good fund in this category' over the long run, says Mr. Tjornehoj.从长期来看,“这是该投资类别中很好的一个基金。”托内奥吉说道。

5.Currently, the quantity theory of money is widely accepted as an accurate model of inflation in the long run.目前,从长远角度来看,金钱数量理论被广泛认为是通胀的准确模型。

6.And for the long term it is trying to create demand for an even faster internet.而长期以来,它一直试图创造同样的高速互联网需求。

7.Yet the fact remains that this will undermine the long-term fiscal position.不过,有一个事实仍然存在:这么做将会破坏长期财政形势。

8.In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely pnked as they are today.在人类漫长的发展史上,世界各国的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连,休戚与共。

9.The pttle snail thought that had he had the long legs as the rabbit, he would be able to jump to the top of the other dune easily.小蜗牛在想,如果真的有兔子那样的长腿,恐怕一跃就可以到另一个沙丘顶上了。

10.She gazed silently, and seemed to be borne upward pke a floating sea-bird on the long heaves and swells of sound.她默不作声地注视着,似乎像一只盘旋的海鸟在汹涌澎湃的声涛中扶摇直上。