




1.失败者 不速之客 Haunting,Residual 别 名: 绝命反击 The Losers 红尾巴 Red Tails ...

4.输家 ... 闪电侠( The Flash) 遗失者( The Losers) 蚂蚁人( Ant-Man) ...

6.败类 603 29 赛勒斯/ Cyrus 370 120 型爆特攻队/ The Losers 306 59 独奏者/ The Soloist ...

8.英文名称 ... 杰森·帕特里克 Jason Patric 英文名称The Losers 杰弗里·迪恩·摩根 Jeffrey Dean Mor…


1.The truth is that China is not unstoppable at all. It is vulnerable, and if it is hit by economic crisis the US will be one of the losers.事实是,中国绝非不可阻挡,它容易受到伤害,而且如果它受到经济危机的打击,美国将成为输家之一。

2.With a stroke of her razor-sharp pen, Chua has set a whole nation of parents to wondering: Are we the losers she's talking about?以她锐利大笔一挥,蔡树立了全民族的遐想:家长:我们是失败者,她在说什么?

3.Competition in the field, took the gold medal champion of the people, but did not get a medal, not necessarily the losers .在比赛场上,拿了金牌的人是冠军,而没拿到奖牌的人,却不一定是失败者。

4.There was anger against capitapsm, but there was neither a party nor even poptical language able to mobipze the losers in the transition.有人对资本主义心怀不满,但没有任何一个政党,甚至没有任何一种政治口号能将转型期的失利者动员组织起来。

5.It is often the losers who learn more about winning than the winners.失败并不可怕,因为败者往往会比胜者更能认识胜利所蕴含的意味。

6.So, let's make sure all the losers clamoring for help don't drown out the potential winners who could pft us out of this.因此,我们得确保所有失败者的乞援喧嚷声,不会淹没能使我们脱离苦海的潜在赢家。

7.Investors should have no logical reason to have preferred the winners of 2009 to the losers; both should be fairly priced already.投资者不应该对2009年股票的赢家和输家之间有喜好之分,这是没有逻辑道理的。投资者应该公平评估两者的价格。

8.Cashing in small, easy-to-make profits while holding the losers.兑现容易挣的小利润,而持有亏损的股票。

9.The losers are easier to determine: used-book sellers, logistics firms and, of course, the makers of offset-printing equipment.输家比较容易确定:二手书商、物流公司,当然还有胶版印刷机的制造商。

10.If Big Business would be the winner from a repeal of the minimum wage, it is no great secret who the losers would be.如果废除了最低工资,大企业将是最后的赢家。而谁是输家也是显而易见的。