




1.失落之城 Amours De Voyage 出航 The Lost City 消失的城市 Wilpam Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚 ...

3.迷失城市风韵之所,更知道了此地由于这种建筑风格也被称之为“迷城”(The Lost City)。

8.神秘传奇王国之迷[游戏下载]【神秘传奇王国之迷】(The Lost City)失落之城汉化版1.0HD ltpad2012-03-10 [游戏下载]【游戏推荐】(Talking Pierre …


1.Machu Picchu is probably the most famipar symbol of the Inca Empire. It is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" .马丘比丘可能是印加政权最为人所知的象征,常被称为“印加失落的古城”。

2.Today "the lost city of the Incas" reaches across the centuries to give us a gpmpse of this unique culture.今天,经历了几个世纪沧桑的“印加迷失之城”,使我们得以一窥它独特的文化。

3.The Lost City of Atlantis is still lost - despite hopes that Google Earth had located the fabled city on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.失落之城亚特兰蒂斯之谜仍然未被揭开——尽管之前人们期望GoogleEarth已经在大西洋海底找到了这座虚构的城市。

4.We have the great Greek philosopher Plato to thank for the ongoing obsession with the lost city of Atlantis.多亏了伟大的古希腊哲学家柏拉图,今天我们才对已消失在海底的亚特兰蒂斯古城有如此高涨的热情。

5.No evidence has been brought forth to prove this theory, but many claim to have felt the powers of the lost city.没有证据可以证明这个理论,但是许多人声称感觉到消失的城市力量。

6.The most impressive piece is the graphics in the book called "In Search of the Lost City" .给我留下最深刻印象的是在他为《寻找失落之城》这本书所作的插图。

7.This mountain retreat is built high in the Andes and is sometimes called the "Lost city of the Incas. "这个世外桃源建在高高的安第斯山上,有时候被称作“印加文明失落的城市”。

8.In June, a German physicist claimed the lost city was actually a region in southern Spain.今年6月,一名德国物理学家称这座消失的古城实际上是西班牙南部一块地区。

9.Marchand and Meffre's book "The Ruins of Detroit" , originally a series for Time magazine, records the lost city of Detroit for posterity.玛珊德和墨菲的《底特律之毁灭》一书本来是时代杂志的连载系列,向后代展现已经逝去的底特律城。

10.In 1911, Yale historian and explorer Hiram Bingham brought the "lost" city to the world's attention.1911年,耶鲁历史学家及探险家海拉姆•宾厄姆(HiramBingham)让此“失落的”城市得到了世界的关注。