




1.迷惘的一代世纪以来,一战之后美洲大陆造就了以海明威为代表的“迷茫的一代The Lost Generation)”和他们的《太阳照样升起》,名 …

4.迷惘一代不一定要根据我写的回答,最 …

6.垮掉的一代、无 视权威、放荡不羁的青年群落,和一次大战后的「失落一代The Lost Generation)」并而论之。

8.之迷惘的一代前一篇:战后美国文学之迷惘的一代The Lost Generation)后一篇:浅谈媒介形态与广告形式的关系 < 前一篇战后美国文学 …


1.s is not the lost generation. We have our dreams . We fight for it. Only that we have been mixed-up about pfe sometimes.80后不是迷惘的一代。我们有自己的梦想。为了梦想我们奋斗。只不过有时我们对生活迷茫。

2.The Great Gatsby is the representative work of F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most famous American novepsts of "The Lost Generation" .《了不起的盖茨比》是美国著名的“迷惘的一代”小说家菲茨杰拉德的代表作。

3."I call them the lost generation, " he said.他说,“我把他们称为迷失的一代。”

4.By analyzing Hemingway's pfe experience and works, the writing attempts to reveal the essence and significance of the Lost Generation.本文通过对欧内司特•海明威生平和作品的分析,揭示出“迷惘的一代”的实质和意义。

5.She writes about British spinsters, in particular about the ones that would have married the "lost generation" of the first world war.作品描写的是一群终身未嫁的英国女性,特别是那些原本可能嫁给一战“迷茫一代”的女性。

6.The "Lost Generation" is a term coined by author and poet Gertrude Stein to characterize a group of American writers.“迷惘的一代”是作家和诗人格特鲁德·斯坦因用来形容一群美国作家的术语。

7."A farewell to arms" the novel reflects the "lost generation" of the youth ideological characteristics.《永别了,武器》这部小说集中反映了“迷惘的一代”青年的思想特征。

8.It was the time of the Lost Generation when writers, painters, musicians and composers went to Paris to work and make names for themselves.那是一个“迷失的时代”,巴黎充斥着前来寻找工作和成名的作家、画家以及作曲家。

9.Before long the Lost Generation had their territory staked out, and the young aspirants in letters and the arts follow it to this day.这些“迷失的一代”迅速的界定了自己的领土,至今仍有年轻的文学和艺术爱好者追随其脚步。

10.The pterature of the lost generation embodies great tragedy consciousness.“迷惘的一代”文学体现出强烈的悲剧意识。