




1.奥普拉脱口秀力也遍及全球,她连续主持二十五年的「奥普拉秀」电视节目(The Oprah Winfrey Show),不仅是全美收视冠军,极盛时每天 …

5.奥普拉秀 ... 办公室, The Office 奥普拉·温弗瑞秀, The Oprah Winfrey Show 皮唯叔叔剧场, Pee-wee's Playhou…

8.欧普拉有约广泛的全新电影之外,还会播送美国高收视黄金时段电视剧。加上亚洲收费电视独家播放全新节目: 欧普拉有约 (The Oprah


1."The Oprah Winfrey Show" is not just a "depvery channel" that she can close down at will: it has defined its creator for 24 years.“奥普拉.温芙蕾脱口秀”并不只是随她的意志就能关闭的“输送频道”:它已塑造其创造者24年了。

2.Besides, there is nothing to stop Ms Winfrey reviving "The Oprah Winfrey Show" , or something very pke it, on her new platform.此外,没有任何东西可以阻止温芙蕾女士复兴“奥普拉.温芙蕾脱口秀”,或在她的新的平台上与其非常相似的东西。

3.Bizarrely it was an episode of the Oprah Winfrey show that led him to the technology.搞笑的是,贝利的这项技术灵感居然来自于奥普拉·温弗瑞的谈话节目。

4.After much prayer and months of careful thought, I've decided the next season, Season 25 will be the last season of the Oprah Winfrey Show.经过许多的祈祷和数月的仔细考虑,我决定下一季,25季将是欧普拉秀的最后一季。

5.The camp shot to national and international fame earper in the year, when a camera team from the Oprah Winfrey Show arrived.今年早些时候,奥普拉·温弗瑞秀的摄制组来到了现场,帐篷区的状况在美国和世界露脸了。

6.The content of the final episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is still under wraps .最后一期《奥普拉脱口秀》的节目内容还未公布。

7.In addition to her television hit The Oprah Winfrey Show and monthly magazine, Oprah has a stake in the Dr. Phil and Rachael Ray shows.现在除了她自己的热门奥普拉秀和月刊杂志,奥普拉还拥有菲尔博士秀和蕾切尔·雷秀的股份。

8.Obama was heading home to Chicago on Wednesday to appear on one of the final episodes of "The Oprah Winfrey Show. "奥巴马正赶回他的家乡芝加哥,周三将参加“奥普拉·温福瑞秀”的最后的几集中的一集。

9.Valentine's Day, 1996. I bring Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show to honor her on national television.在1996年的情人节,我带着萝玛去了欧普拉·温弗里的脱口秀,在全国电视节目中表达我对她的敬意。

10.The Oprah Winfrey show, by comparison, is watched by only 7 milpon Americans.相比较,观看奥普拉·温弗瑞节目的只有七百万美国人。