




1.善恶无赦那一天》进军中国的泰国人气偶像马里奥·毛瑞尔凭借《善恶无赦》(The Outrage)入围最佳男配角,将与台湾演员柯宇纶、 …

2.暴行 赌城万岁 Viva Las Vegas 暴行 The Outrage 黄色香车 The Yellow Rolls-Royce ...

3.西方罗生门chung nin),风吹云动星不动,绣娘兰馨, 西方罗生门( The Outrage ),钟无艳,傻福星 (THE BLESSED FOOLISH GUYS),汇通天 …

4.极恶非道照 朱丽叶-比诺什《合法副本》剧照 导演北野武 《极恶非道》(The Outrage) 北野武(Takeshi Kitano) 北野武是日本当代最知 …

5.功夫 (Liar Game: The Final Stage)《 燃情岁月》 (The Outrage)《 功夫》 (Troubleshooter)《 光辉岁 …

6.穷凶极恶影视百科 > 电影 > 剧情 > 极恶非道/穷凶极恶(The Outrage)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《极恶非道》的视频   北野武借着 …


1.CA: And releasing this caused widespread outrage. What was the key element of this that actually caused the outrage, do you think?CA:这段视频的公布引起了广泛的愤慨你认为引起这些愤怒情绪的关键因素是什么?

2.I don't know if you'll agree with that, but I think you can at least agree that running the outrage script surely does no good for anyone.我不知道你是否同意这个观点,但我想你至少会同意奉行义愤脚本肯定对任何人都没有好处。

3.When a book alleged that John McCain had once called his wife Cindy one, the outrage was bipartisan.当一本书声称共和党的参议员麦凯恩曾经有一次叫他的夫人为辛迪,那愤慨是两党的。

4.It is hard to see why anyone in the mainstream opposition would be behind the outrage.很难弄清楚为什么主流反对派中有人会幕后实施了这次暴行。

5.The burqa can be understood as a symbol of the outrage Muspms are feepng as they are exposed to an increasingly xenophobic Europe.罩袍可以被理解为象征穆斯林都感到愤怒,因为它们都面临着日益仇外的欧洲。

6.The outrage led to a new election and the formation of a shaky pro-Western coaption government.百姓怨声载道,从而导致了后来的新一轮选举,并形成了如今这个根基不稳的亲西方集团政府。

7.Internet users on this thing with curiosity and interest in positive return card and performance of this thing on the outrage.网民对这件事情充满好奇心和兴趣表现在积极回帖上以及对这件事情义愤填膺上。

8.for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar.因为与其坐视我们的国家和祭坛遭受蹂躏,不如在战场上慷慨捐躯。

9.But when details of what they were claiming were leaked to London's Daily Telegraph, the outrage hit fever pitch.但是当他们要求补贴的账单在伦敦《每日电信》被揭露出来之后,人们义愤得怒不可遏。

10.Judging from the outrage the site caused among parents, he's going to run into trouble really soon.从家长们被激起的愤怒来看,他很快会有麻烦了!