




1.幻影侠na Gershon)有精彩合作,他的作品还包括《轰天奇兵》 (The Phantom)、 《魔鬼骑士》 (Demon Knight: Tales From the Cry…

3.魅影 女巫 / 女妖 / The Witches 魅影 / The Phantom 燃烧的大地 / Burning Soil ...

4.幻影奇侠 ... 38 A Lesson for the Innkeeper 店主的教训 39 The Phantom 幽灵 40 The Honeybee’s Sting 蜜蜂的刺 ...

6.剧院幽灵这位被Christine称作“音乐天使”的老师其实就是巴黎歌剧院人人谈之色变的“剧院幽灵”(the Phantom)。Phantom的真名叫Erik…

7.幻象1995年又拍摄了不太引人注目的冒险电影《幻象》(The Phantom),开始了在好莱坞的创业。1996年她参演的微型电视系列 …


1.One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem.有一天,他带我们班去看《歌剧院的幽灵》,那是一些孩子第一次出国宅。

2.you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you.你不会答应一个幽灵对你的请求

3.You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you.终有一日你会诅咒今天的,因为就在这一天你辜负了魅影对你的请求!

4.Google and the company that supppes its mapping data are unable to explain the presence of the phantom town and are investigating.谷歌和为其提供地图数据的公司无法解释幽灵小镇的存在,并正展开调查。

5.British singer Brightman is best known for her appearances in shows in London's West End including the Phantom of the Opera.英国歌手莎拉·布莱曼以她在《歌剧魅影》中的演出而世界闻名。

6.The phantom has been so lonely, for he buchibuqi of music box that seems to be the only, curiously shaped monkey never psten in.魅影一直如此孤单,对他不离不弃的似乎只有那只音乐盒,形状诡异的猴子永远在无言倾听。

7.The child sat watching and thinking of these things, until the phantom in her mind so increased in gloom and terror.女孩子坐在那里注视着、想念着这些事物,到最后她头上的幻觉变得更幽暗更恐怖了。

8.Christine and the phantom of the feepngs of love than raul shall, from her eyes with the phantom of the blurred vision can see.克丽丝汀对魅影的感情也应当远比对劳尔的爱情深刻,这从她与魅影对视时的迷离眼光中就可以看出。

9." The phantom of the opera" for her creation of beautiful music, opera, and teaches her gorgeous singing, training her dancing.“魅影”为她创作优美的音乐、华丽的歌剧、教导她歌唱、训练她的舞姿。

10.all that the Phantom asked of you. . . !魅影对你的要求那一天时…!