




1.财叔之横扫千军 To be number one 跛豪 1991 The Raid 财叔之横扫千军 1991 The Killer 喋血双雄--冯刚 1989 ...

2.突袭 韩剧 the works 突袭 The Raid 天涯织女 The Special Relationship ...

3.全面突袭乐讯 在今年多伦多国际电影节上,印度尼西亚动作片《突击行动》(The Raid)获得了由观众票选的“午夜疯狂奖”,今天索尼 …

5.搏击队 ... 烈女.长枪.铁岩谷 Bloody Fight in Iron-Rock Valley 搏击队 The Raid 极道兵器 Yakuza Weapo…

6.突击死亡塔 突袭 / 突击死亡塔 / 全面突袭 The Raid 骗中骗 / 刺激 / 老千计状元才 The Sting ...

7.印度尼西亚 ... Stella Days( 爱尔兰)/90分钟 The Raid( 印度尼西亚)/100分钟 I Am( 美国)/77分钟 ...


1.If the raid had been delayed by a few hours, she might have faced the first of many rapes.如果警方这次突袭行动推迟数小时,她可能已经遭到了蹂躏。

2.The security forces said the raid, in which Mr Acosta Hernandez was captured, had been long in the planning.安全力量表示,逮捕JoseAntonioAcostaHernandez的这次行动是计划已久的。

3.American officials said immediately after the raid that Osama bin Laden had been armed; they later said he was not armed.行动不久后美国官员就称,拉登持有武器,随后又改口称拉登并未持有武器。

4.The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.这场抢劫只持续了3分钟,因为窃贼争先恐后地爬上轿车,以惊人的速度开跑了。

5.We have also been trying to get more benefits out of the party and into the raid, and Mana Spring previously was still a party only buff.我们也在尝试将更多的增益效果改成对团队有效,而法力之泉之前仍只是对小队有效。

6.Two hours later, the raid ended and hostages were brought out of the church, but it became clear that there had been many casualties.两个小时后,突袭结束,人质被带出教堂,但明显是伤亡惨重。

7.Brown's admiration for her was immeasurable, and he wanted her to accompany him on the raid.Brown对她的钦佩不可估量,他希望她能在突袭中陪伴他。

8.The U. S. team did not encounter any Pakistani security forces during the raid.突击过程中,美国这支突击队没有遭遇任何巴基斯坦方面的安全部队。

9.Local officials said the raid was carried out in the pre-dawn hours and that American troops also confiscated computers and documents.当地官员说,突袭在破晓前进行,美国部队还收缴了电脑和文件。

10.A few hours later officers raided the nearby home of his mother, who collapsed and died during the raid.几个小时后,警察突袭了他母亲位于附近的住所。不幸的是,贾瑞特的母亲在突袭过程中突然死亡。