




1.反叛者 1992年《四千金的情人》 The Age of Beauty 1993年《反叛者The Rebel 1996年《女巫》 Bruj…

2.末路雷霆 西贡日蚀 Saigon Ecppse 末路雷霆 The Rebel 牧童 Mua len trau ...

3.叛逆者的精神」他并举法国作家卡谬(A. Camus)的《反抗者》(The Rebel)的话:「向不公道的命运或体制抗争的人,本质上是 …

6.拳戒 347-黑气球 THE BLACK BALLOON 348-拳戒 THE REBEL 350-深渊浩劫 GA…


1.El Bashir, the rebel representative in London, said the government was preparing to raid the camp again.叛乱派系在伦敦的代表贝希尔说,苏丹政府正准备再次袭击这个营地。

2.She agreed and was freed, then quickly cast off the frock and made her way back to the rebel army, where she was promptly promoted.她同意了,就获释了,紧接着扔掉了连衣裙,重回叛军队伍;很快,她就获得了提升。

3.One was draped over the central courthouse building until a few days ago -- it was even larger than the rebel flag draped on the building.有一面前几天还悬挂在中央法院大楼上——比同样悬挂在法院大楼上叛军自己的旗还要大。

4.Gen Abdel Fattah Younis was killed on Thursday en route from his command post on the front pne near Brega to the rebel capital Benghazi.周二,阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在从指挥岗位返回班加西大本营的途中,在布雷加前线附近被杀。

5.There's also something of the rebel in a pair of jeans.穿着牛仔裤还有叛逆的意味。

6.A spokesman for the rebel National Libyan Council, Abdul Hafidh Ghoga, said the group is not prepared to negotiate.反对派利比亚国家委员会的发言人,阿卜杜勒·哈飞迪·洪噶称,该组织尚未准备谈判。

7.UNICEF says the children, including one girl, were being held by a dissident group that broke with the rebel National Liberation Front.联合国儿童基金会说,这些少年中包括一名女孩,他们被一个从布隆迪反政府组织民族解放阵线分离出去的持不同意见的组织所扣押。

8.It would be the first oil exported from the rebel-held east in over a week.这将是一周多以来被反抗者占领的利比亚东部地区的首次石油出口。

9.Hafiz Abdel Goga, the spokesman for the council, said the rebel leadership had no contact with Mr. Koussa.过渡国民议会发言人葛加(HafizAbdelGoga)说,反抗武装领导人并未与库萨有接触。

10.It says she ignored repeated warnings not to travel to the rebel-controlled area where she was kidnapped while campaigning to be president.政府称,她忽略了政府的反复警告,进入反叛分子控制的地区竞选总统,结果遭遇绑架。