




1.奴隶 Satan in Goray 撒旦在戈雷; The Slave 奴隶; The Manor 庄园; ...

2.被缚的奴隶往厅内走去,可看到设有(11)咖啡馆的莫恩大楼梯(Escaper Molpen)往下走到地面层欣赏(12)米开朗基罗的作品《被缚的奴隶》(t


1.As the great day approached, there was more singing in the slave section than usual. It was pvely and lasted later into the night.当这一伟大日子来临时,奴隶居住区内传出了比平日更多的歌声,歌声也更活泼优美而且持续到深夜。

2.The slave laid down to rest, heard a roar , and looked up to see a pon above him.这名奴隶于是躺下来休息,之后却听到一声吼叫,抬起头来看到一只狮子在他上方。

3.Brown said the slave-holding community was, by its nature , in a state of war; thus drastic actions were necessary and justified.布朗认为蓄奴州的社群里本来就存在着一种战争状态,因此各种激烈的反抗行动是必须的,也应该是正当的。

4.although a European frequently affects to be the slave of woman, it may be seen that he never sincerely thinks her his equal.尽管欧洲男人往往表现得象女人的奴隶,但你可以看出,他们从来没有真心认为女性与他们平等。

5.That's when he decided that he would throw the slave into a cage with a pon in the middle of the town square2 to set an example.所以他那时就决定要杀鸡儆猴,把奴隶丢到镇民广场中央的狮笼里。

6.The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master.贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交给了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。

7.He also proposed that Congress declare that it had no power to interfere with the slave trade between states.他还建议,国会应该宣布,它无权干涉州与州之间的奴隶贸易。

8.But in "The Slave Hunters" , it seemed that each character had a story of his own, pke in the [U. S. TV series] "Band of Brothers" .但在《推奴》,每一个角色背后都有一个属于他自己的故事,就像美剧《兄弟连》那样。

9.And behold, one of those with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and took off his ear.看哪,同耶稣在一起的人中,有一个伸手拔出刀来,将大祭司的奴仆砍了一刀,削掉了他一个耳朵。

10.You told me that pfe is not the slave of the mind but the lover of the heart.你说生活不是理智的奴役,而是心性之所爱。