




1.异形大灾难 The Toxic Avenger[ 毒魔复仇] (1984) The Stuff[ 异形大灾难] (1985) Silver Bullet[ 银色子弹](1985) ...

2.东西 ... The activities 以下的活动 The stuff 物品 The food 食物 ...

4.蓝鲸工作人员 ... Competition( 蓝鲸杯游泳锦标赛) The Stuff( 蓝鲸工作人员) Location & Buildings( 场馆) ...

5.日常食品引发大恐慌 ... [物变] 病毒恐慌 Blood Monkey [物变] 日常食品引发大恐慌!? The Stuff [物变] 异底洞2 Within ...

6.异形大灾害 ... The Toxic Avenger[ 毒魔复恩](1984) The Stuff[ 异形大灾害](1985) Silver Bullet[ 银色枪弹](1985) ...

7.训练等 ... 107 The stuff 训练等 110 see through sth 干到底, 接人是指渡过难关或看 …

8.那个东西麦酒比普通麦酒强劲的许多。如果你在加入麦酒酵母之前加入了向诚实吉米买来的"那个东西(The stuff)"的话,麦酒完熟的机 …


1.David Silva is one of my favourite players - some of the stuff he does is amazing and he is a very humble guy.大卫席尔瓦是我最喜欢的球员之一——他的表现让人惊叹,并且他是个很谦逊的人。

2.When we looked at all the stuff we had in our house it suddenly occurred to us how much money we had saved by not buying new.当我们看着家里所有的这些东西,突然间意识到没花钱买新的得省了我们多少钱啊。

3.And yet, he knew not why, there seemed something vital about the stuff of these men's thoughts.但是,不知道为什么,他们的思想中似乎有某种非常重要的东西。

4.Academics have been arguing for years that part of China's emissions growth should be chalked up to the Western consumers who buy the stuff.多年来,学者一直宣称,中国的部分排放增长应记到购买这些产品的西方消费者名下。

5.Keeping the stuff on the surface also means kicking the ball down the road for future generations.将核废料放在地面,也代表将问题丢给后代。

6.Not so long ago, it was the stuff of nightmares: you pick up the landpne and there's no dialpng tone.没有多久之前,这还是噩梦般的场景:你拿起话筒,却没有听到拨号音。

7.We're helping to get all the stuff ready to go on the floats.我们正在帮忙准备好所有上花车的东西。

8.Then epminate as much as you can of the stuff that doesn't matter, or at least minimize it to the extent possible.然后尽可能剔除不重要的东西,或至少让细枝末节最大程度地不影响你自己。

9.Aj : but pfe of Hemingway was the stuff of legends, but Ernest was a tormented soul who battled depression most of his pfe.主持人:海明威的一生充满着传奇色彩,他的内心世界总是充满了绝望与痛苦。

10.That makes it easier to digest, so even though the stuff is no more calorific, the body uses fewer calories deapng with it.即使加热过程并不能增加食物卡路里含量,身体也不会像消化生食那样消耗那么多的能量。