




1.潜艇 基地( The base) 潜艇The Submarine) 深海潜水( Deepsea Dive) ...

2.幽灵号潜艇 生死谍变 Swiri 幽灵号潜艇 Phantom:The Submarine 爱的肢解 Tell Me Something ...

3.潜水艇 04、The base( 基地) 05、The submarine核潜艇) 06、Deepsea dive( 深海潜水) ...

5.幽灵潜艇 虹鳟 Rainbow Trout 幽灵潜艇 Phantom:The Submarine 一天 A Day ...



1.He's taken the submarine out for test runs in the Pembroke docks near where he pves and is now preparing for his first full submersion.他已经带着潜艇到离家不远的彭布罗克港试了水,现在正准备进行首次全潜。

2.'While you're in the submarine you sit in an air bubble which means your feet are underwater but the rest of you stays dry.在潜艇里,你就像坐在一个空气泡中。你的脚在水下,可其他部分都还是干的。

3.Acoustic instruments on the submarine told us that there was a ridge at the bottom of the ocean, sitting transverse to the flow of ice.潜艇上的声波仪器告诉我们,在海洋底部有一道海脊,横向坐落在冰流方向上。

4.The land-based nuclear reactor became fully operational in 1970 and was ready to be fitted on the submarine.陆基核反应炉在1970年实现完全运行并准备好在潜艇上安装。

5."The galley is the heart of the submarine. Catering is vital, " he said.厨房是潜艇的心脏,餐饮工作至关重要。

6.The official did not mention the submarine price, saying only that Israel intended to be paid in installments.这名官员没有提及潜艇价格,只是说以色列打算分批支付。

7.It said no crew members were injured and the nuclear security of the submarine had not been compromised.据称没有船员伤亡,潜艇安全也没有受到影响。

8.The submarine of the alped forces launched a torpedo at the enemy ship before it was detected.盟军的潜艇在被发现之前,向敌方军舰发射了一颗鱼雷。

9.The Navy says the submarine's nuclear reactor was not damaged , there was no leak of radioactivity and the vessel's hull is intact .美国海军说,旧金山号的核反应堆没有损伤,没有放射性物质泄漏,潜艇舰体也完好无损。

10.The submarine Alvin has already been launched and is making the hour-and-a-half-long descent to the seafloor thousands of feet below.阿尔文号潜艇(Alvin)已经就位,开始向数千英尺的海底下潜,此次下潜将会进行一个半小时。