




1.太阳照常升起 ... 1926年:《太阳依旧昇起》( The Sun Also Rises) 1929年:《战地春梦》( A Farewell to Arms) ...

5.看上去很美的太阳照常升起 《MY STRUGGLE》( 我的奋斗) 《THE SUN ALSO RISES》( 看上去很美的太阳照常升起) 《FEEL GO…

6.太阳照样昇起(1957) 太阳照样昇起The Sun Also Rises) (starring Tyrone Power) (1958) 老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea) (starring …

7.妾似朝阳又照君搜索妾似朝阳又照君The Sun Also Rises)时,无意发现林正盛的“月光下,我记得”(The Moon Also Rises),我没看过这 …


1.Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises" , Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidepnes.艾德蒙·威尔逊认为在《太阳照常升起》中,杰克是惟一一个在痛苦中坚守个人操行准则的人。

2.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic.美国学界普遍认为海明威的《太阳照常升起》是美国现代小说史上的经典之作。

3.Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises, " the characters had a detailed psychological analysis.贝克首次对《太阳照常升起》中的小说人物进行了细致的心理分析。

4.His long novels The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms are classic works with wars as their themes.海明威的长篇小说《太阳照常升起》和《永别了,武器》都是以战争为题材的扛鼎之作。

5.It was hinted that the main character in The Sun Also Rises, the irrespressable Lady Brett, was borrowed from another novel.有人暗示说,《太阳照常升起》里的主人公,狂放不羁的布雷特夫人就是从另一部小说里“借”来的。

6.Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises, " "confused generation" features.她的论文具体的描述了《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘一代人”的特点。

7.In Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises, Jake Barnes' gender identity undergoes a process of construction, frustration, and reconstruction.在海明威的小说《太阳照常升起》中,杰克•巴恩斯的男性身份经历了建构、挫折和重构的过程。

8.The American author Ernest Hemmingway explores this very question in his 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises.美国作家海明威在他1926年写的小说《太阳照常升起》中,探讨了这个问题。

9.The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it arose.太阳升起,太阳落下,急归所出之地。

10."The Sun Also Rises, " a keen and accurate way to capture the spirit of the times, its significance far beyond the pterary.《太阳照样升起》敏锐而准确地捕捉到了时代精神,其意义已经远远超出了文学。