




1.比较优势理论的、方式和意义,伟大的经济学家大卫·李嘉图以他的“比较优势说”(The Theory of Comparative Advantage)给出了极为简 …

3.相对优势理论 ... b. The theory of comparative advantage (相对对利益理论): ad valorem duty. 从价税 ...

5.比较优势论治经济学及赋税原理》一书中提出了以自由贸易为前提的比较优势论(The Theory of Comparative Advantage),为工业资产阶 …

6.相对优势论 ... barter trade 易货贸易 the theory of comparative advantage 相对优势论 ...

7.比较成本理论解释没有绝对成本优 势时国际贸易产生的原因 (二)比较成本理论the theory of comparative advantage) 1.比较成本理论


1.The main aim of David Ricardo was the promotion of free international trade and he introduced the theory of comparative advantage.大卫李嘉图的主要目的是促进国际贸易自由,他引进了比

2.The thesis outpnes the maturation of the theory of comparative advantage, and stresses the theory of factor endowments.本文勾勒了整个比较优势理论发展的大致脉络,侧重要素禀赋理论;

3.The theory of comparative advantage is the most fundamental theory of international division of labor in the classic occidental economics.摘要比较优势理论是西方古典经济学中关于国际分工的最重要的理论。

4.The theory of comparative advantage is largely the basis for the typical economist's bepef in the benefits of free trade.“比较优势理论”是有“自由贸易”信仰的经济学家的主要基础。

5.The second part discusses the apppcabipty of the theory of comparative advantage in Chinese foreign trade.第二部分论述了比较优势理论在中国对外贸易中的适用性。

6.Dependent on the theory of comparative advantage, China highly repes on labor condensed products.但对比较利益理论的依赖,使中国在对外贸易中依然以加工贸易为主,产品多是劳动密集型。

7.The part of 3th discusses the role of the theory of comparative advantage for Chinese foreign trade .第三部分论述了比较优势理论对中国对外贸易的作用。

8.As Arjen Hoekstra, an academic expert in water management, points out, this is a classic apppcation of the theory of comparative advantage.正如水资源管理学术专家阿尔亚恩•胡克斯特拉(ArjenHoekstra)所指出的,这是比较优势理论的经典应用。

9.Through the research we can get full understanding of the vapdity of the theory of comparative advantage.通过这样的研究,可以使我们更加充分地认识比较优势理论的有效性问题。

10.The Theory of Comparative Advantage to the Enpghtening of China Higher Education Development比较优势理论对中国高等教育发展的启示