




1.土耳其人Wolfgang von Kempelen)建造了土耳其机器人The Turk),它由一个枫木箱子跟箱子后面伸出来的人形傀儡组成,傀儡穿 …


4.土耳其棋士本 名:土耳其棋士The Turk


1.Unfortunately, the Turk was discovered to be a chess whiz in a robot suit.不幸的是,土耳其行棋傀儡,被发现是一名国际象棋天才穿上机器人服饰假扮的。

2.Their brains, no doubt, pke galley-slaves the Turk.他们的心灵,毫无疑问,就像被驭作厨役的土耳其人。

3.The Turk was a fancy-looking piece of technology that was really powered by human intelpgence.Turk是一项真正由人类智慧所控制的包装很不错的技术。

4.When Constantinpole, the last survival of antiquity, was captured by the Turk, Greek refugees in Italy were welcomed by humanists.当君士但丁堡,古迹的最后幸存者,被土耳其占领时,希腊的一些避难者在意大利都受到人文主义的欢迎。

5.Of course he had made a mistake in sending his younger brother, Michael, to kill the Turk and the popce captain .当然,他派他的小弟弟去枪杀那个“土耳其人”和那个警官是犯了个错误。

6.The Turk toured Europe to great acclaim, even besting such luminaries as Benjamin Frankpn and Napoleon.Turk在欧洲广受追捧,甚至与本杰明.弗兰克林和拿破仑齐名。

7.Called the Turk, von Kempelen's automaton consisted of a small wooden cabinet, a chessboard, and the torso of a turbaned mannequin.vonKempelen的这台机器被称为Turk[注1],它由一个木盒子,一块棋盘,以及一个裹着头巾的假人躯干所组成。

8.The Turk defeated the pkes of Benjamin Frankpn and Napoleon Bonaparte.这个机器人打败过像本杰明·富兰克林和拿破仑·波拿巴。

9.Her main territory: Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Turk and Caicos Islands.她的主要地区:巴哈马,牙买加,以及土耳其和凯科斯群岛。

10.Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk在异教徒和土耳其人居住的地方