




1.帝王谷 ... 44. 热气球 - Hot Air Balloon 47. 帝皇谷 - The Valley of the Kings 48. 女皇大殿 - Al-Deir Al-Bahari Temple ...

4.王家谷 [埃及] 吉萨金字塔 Giza pyramid [埃及] 热气球俯瞰帝王谷 The Valley of the Kings [埃及] 沙漠露营 Bahariya Ossis ...

6.帝王陵墓谷接着我们绕着整座山不断的上坡, 骑了很长的一段上山的路才到达帝王陵墓谷(The Valley of the Kings). The Valley of the Kings …


1.When the doors of his tomb close forever, his mummy won't be moved from its original resting place in the Valley of the Kings.当这座陵墓的门再次永远的关上,他将不会从离开休憩千年的地方,仍然沉睡在法老谷里。

2.At the present time, Hawass seems to concentrate most of his efforts in the Valley of the Kings, where he hopes to uncover tomb KV64.现在,Hawass好像将他大多数的精力致力于研究国王陵墓谷地。他希望再此发现KV64墓。

3.Less pubpcized has been his search for a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings and a buried pyramid in the Dashur area.他对于Dashur地区的地下金字塔和国王陵墓谷底的新坟墓的研究没有那么出名。

4.Hidden in the desert canyons west of the Nile, the Valley of the Kings holds the tombs of King Tut and his royal relatives.帝王谷隐藏在尼罗河西边的沙漠峡谷之中,里面埋藏着图坦卡蒙和其皇室亲属的诸多墓穴。

5.These epte builders enjoy unique status. Working in the Valley of the Kings, they are within a stone's throw of treasure beyond price.这些建设精英享有独一无二的地位,他们在帝王谷工作,与价值连城的财宝只有一步之遥。

6.The team examined three neglected mummies in a previously sealed-off tomb in the Valley of the Kings.考古队查验了国王谷中此前一直封存在古墓中的3具被遗忘的木乃伊。

7.was working in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.在埃及的国王谷工作。

8.Egypt and the Valley of the Kings埃及与国王谷

9.To the valley of the kings去那神秘的国王谷

10.For example, silk has been found in the Valley of the Kings in a tomb of a mummy dating from 1070 BCE. [12]比如,考古人员已经在埃及帝王谷一具公元前1070年的木乃伊坟墓里发现了丝绸。