




1.维也纳公约1985年召集世界各国共商对策,签订保护臭氧层的「维也纳协议」(the Vienna Convention),但「维也纳协议」并不具强制性。

3.维也纳协定西元 1985 年世界各国签订保护臭氧层 的「维也纳协定」 (the Vienna Convention) , 之后西元 1987 年 9 月, 共有 27 个国家 …


1.This MOU is not to be considered an agreement within the meaning of the Vienna Convention of 1969.这份谅解备忘录不应被视为1969年维也纳公约意义下的协议。

2.The United Kingdom takes this irresponsible action extremely seriously. It amounts to a grave breach of the Vienna Convention.英国将严肃处理这起不负责的事件,它严重违反了《维也纳公约》。

3.This means that under the terms of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Mr Zelaya should abstain from poptical declarations.这意指根据维也纳外交关系公约条款,ManuelZelaya应该放弃政治宣告。

4.Protecting diplomatic premises is a fundamental in relations between nations. It's governed by the Vienna Convention.保护外交办公室是各国之间外交关系的基础,受到维也纳公约的保护。

5.Although diplomats have immunity, this guy was abusing the spirit of the Vienna convention.景观外交官有豁免权,但这个家伙滥用权力已不符维也纳公约精神。

6.Declaration on Universal Participation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties;普遍参加维也纳条约法公约宣言;

7.Declaration on the Universal Participation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties;世界各国普遍参加维也纳条约法公约宣言;

8.Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes维也纳外交关系公约关于强制解决争端的任择议定书

9.Additional Protocol on Consular Functions to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations;维也纳领事关系公约关于领事职务的附加议定书;

10.Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer;保护臭氧层维也纳公约缔约方会议;