




1.毒蛇 ... the king 国王 the viper 蝰蛇 the animal 动物 ...


1.My Dad's favorite ride is the Viper, he said it has so many loops and twisted, and it is so fast.眼镜蛇(眼镜蛇是我爸爸最喜欢的过山车,他说会有很多倒转和正转,而且非常快。

2.CA: Now, incredible footage you showed of the viper being killed. You were saying that that hasn't been filmed before.安德森:那么,关于那个毒蛇被吃掉的视频,你说以前从拍摄到过这样的场景。

3.Johnny has remained very interested in music and purchased a club, The Viper Room, in Los Angeles as a haven for playing his music.约翰尼仍然对音乐很感兴趣,并在洛杉矶买了一个俱乐部TheViperRoom,作为他鼓捣音乐的地方。

4.The infant will play near the hole of the cobra , and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest .吃奶的孩子必玩耍在虺蛇的洞口;断奶的婴儿必按手在毒蛇的穴上。

5.The court document reveals Chrysler has only received one offer for the Viper franchise.法院文件显示克莱斯勒只收到一个提供特许经营的毒蛇。

6.Aspect of the Viper: Beast Lore, Scare Beast, and Tame Beast will no longer trigger mana regeneration from this abipty.蝰蛇守护:野兽知识、恐吓野兽和驯服野兽不再触发此技能的法力回复。

7.According to a new court document, Chrysler has received pttle interest in the Viper nameplate or the Corner Avenue plant.根据一项新的法庭文件,克莱斯勒已经收到兴趣不大的毒蛇名牌或角大道工厂。

8.One of them is the Conner plant in Detroit which has 115 employees who build the Viper products there.其中之一是在底特律康纳厂员工115人已建立蝰蛇谁的产品有。

9.Revenge is a stony path, remember , inside the viper's nest, you must be a viper , too.复仇之路荆棘满布,谨记,要想在毒蛇的巢穴中生存下去,你就必须以毒攻毒。

10.Gronstalker Set: The Aspect of Viper bonus from this set has been changed to work correctly with the redesigned Aspect of the Viper.戈隆追猎者套装:套装属性奖励可以正确影响重新设计的蝰蛇守护。