




1.全球目录在我年轻的时候,有一本非常棒的杂志叫《全球目录》(The Whole Earth Catalog),它被我们那一代人奉为圭臬。这本杂志 …

2.全球概览在我小时候,曾经有本很好的出版物叫全球概览(The Whole Earth Catalog),那是我们那一代人奉为圣经的读物。那是来自离这 …

3.地球目录  当我年轻的时候,有一本叫做“地球目录” (The Whole Earth Catalog)的杂志,它被我们那一代人视为像“圣经”一样的读物。它 …

4.整个地球的目录当我年轻的时候, 有一本叫做"整个地球的目录"(The Whole Earth Catalog)振聋发聩的杂志,它是我们那一代人的圣经之一 …

5.全地球目录从全美范围来看,这些项目中最著名的当属1968年的《全地球目录》(The Whole Earth Catalog),这是那个时期具有标志意 …

6.地球索引讲到最后,他借用《地球索引》(the Whole Earth Catalog)最后一期封底的格言告诫莘莘学子要“永不满足”(Stay Hungry。 S…

7.地球商品目录我年轻的时候,有一本奇妙的出版物,叫做《地球商品目录》(The Whole Earth Catalog),那是我们那一代人的圣经之一。 …

8.整个地球的分类嬉皮士圣经《整个地球的分类》(The Whole Earth Catalog)的创始编辑斯图尔特·布兰德(Stewart Brand)1972年在《滚石 …


1.We are stuck with its obpgations. In the Whole Earth Catalog, my first words were, "We are as Gods, and might as well get good at it. "在《地球目录》的第一句话是:“我们就像上帝一样,我们也许真的能做得像上帝那么棒。”

2.When I was young, there was an amazing pubpcation called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation.当我年轻时,有一个惊人的出版称为地球目录,这是一个圣经的我这一代。

3.Stewart and his team put out several issues of "The Whole Earth Catalog, " and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue.斯图尔特和他的团队出版了几期的《地球目录全编》,当这份刊物走到了尽头,他们推出了最后一期。

4.If he had a motto, it may have come from "The Whole Earth Catalog, " which he said had deeply influenced him as a young man.如果他有座右铭,可能来自《全球目录》(“TheWholeEarthCatalog”),他曾说过,这本书在他年轻时深深影响了他。

5.Thus, the odd mix of rustic savvy and advanced technology displayed in the pages of The Whole Earth Catalog was not confusion but synthesis.因此,《全地球目录》中所展现的质朴与先进技术的奇怪组合,并非矛盾对立,而是和谐统一。

6.1968, I put out the Whole Earth Catalog. Was "mister natural" for a while.1968年我创办了《地球目录》一段时间我成了“环保先生”。

7.Similarly, if we turn back to The Whole Earth Catalog, we can find the same hybrid taste.类似地,如果我们回望《全地球目录》,我们可以发现同样混杂的口味。