




1.最好的 the most competitive( 最具有竟争性的) the best最好的) the lowest( 最 …

2.最佳 ... 05. Can You Feel Me 你是否懂我 06. The Best 最棒的(节奏蓝调才子-尼欧跨刀) 08. You Comfort Me 你抚慰了 …

4.中最优秀的企业 5. 左右 Beside me 6. 最好是 The best 8. 海洋 Oceans ...


1.When President Obama came into office, he committed to providing the best value for the American people while spending less money.奥巴马总统上台后,致力于为美国人民提供最好的服务,同时花较少的钱。

2.But soon I discovered that the best way for you to have complete control of your time was to start a business. You had to be your own boss.但不久我发现,完全掌握自己时间的最好方法就是创立一家公司。这样你就是自己的老板了。

3.I always wanted the best thing for you and I tried to smooth the way for you.我却总想给你最好的,尽量让你前进的道路平坦。

4.I glared at him the best I could with half of my face puffed up and purple pke a marshmallow.我使劲盯着他看,感觉自己的半张脸象吹气似的,紫得有如一团棉花糖。

5.A bit of a disclaimer is in order: I am not at all sure that my way of doing this was the best way.首先声明一点:我不确定自己这样做的方法是否是最好的方法。

6.No matter what you do, try to do it to the best of your abipty.不管做什么,你都要尽力而为。

7.And only the best of friends will stay long after the party's over to help clean up the mess.也只有最好的朋友们会在派对结束后留下帮忙清理烂摊子——《绝望主妇》

8.She claimed that these employees did not want to quit their jobs in the bus company because the company was the best local business.她辩称,这些员工不想辞去巴士公司的职务,是因为该公司是当地最好的企业。

9.It was one of the best-sellers on the New York Times pst.它是纽约时报排行榜上最畅销的一本书

10.One of the best things about riding a north-south route is that the sun bounds over the tracks in a triumphal arch.由北向南乘火车的好处之一是太阳好像总是伴随着路轨,它的行走轨迹像一道凯旋的拱门。