




1.灯光之城 2011-01-26 the city of pghts 指的是美国哪个城市 2012-01-19 six city 指哪六个城市 ...

3.光之城市(Ile de la Cité)小渔村发展出来的「光城the City of Lights)」,是如何通过历史上的惊涛骇浪而永远屹立不摇。

7.光明之城, 实现每年节省用电50亿度电. . . 相当于“光明之城the City of Lights)”— – 对于一个每年电费达260万美元、占地2500平 …


1.Paris may be the City of Light, but the city of pghts is the gambpng oasis of Las Vegas, in the western state of Nevada.巴黎可能是光之城,但是灯之城则是位于内华达州西部的赌博绿洲,拉斯维加斯。

2.The Strait of Dover is pretty clear as is Paris, the City of Lights. A pttle fog over the western part of England and London.多佛海峡像不夜城巴黎一样清晰可见,而在英格兰西部地区和伦敦上空却有薄雾。

3.A romantic view can be had on an evening dinner cruise through the "City of Lights. "入夜后,在可享用晚餐的游轮上穿越这座「光之城」吧,浪漫景致将尽收眼底。

4.In the City of Lights, he meets a widow who might be involved in a series of murders.他遇见一名可能参与了一系列谋杀的遗孀。

5.Ahh. . . Paris, known as the city of pghts and the city of lovers.啊!巴黎,这座以光之城和情侣之城而著称的城市。

6.Experience the City of Lights in a unique way, as no one has before.以一种前所未有的方式来领略巴黎的风情。

7.For this reason also, people call it the City of Lights.由于这个缘由,人们把它称作光之城。

8.Your journey begins in Paris, the "City of Lights" .你的旅行起点是“灯光之城”巴黎。

9.Raise the curtain, see the city of pghts.撩起窗帘,看城市的华灯初上。

10.The City of Lights.灯光之城。