




1.经验曲线士顿矩阵法(the Boston Matrix)、经验曲线法(the Experience Curve)和价值链法(Value Chain)等,这里不再繁述。

3.曲产rve 作产产累生产产产的函 的成本行产 数 产产曲产 (The Experience Curve) $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 · · · C B A 产产成本曲产 …


1.The experience curve refers to systematic reductions in production costs that have been observed to occur over the pfe of a product.经验曲线指的是在产品寿命周期内所观察到的生产成本有规律的下降。

2.Furthermore, firms can leapfrog over the experience curve by means of innovation and invention.此外,公司也可以通过创新和发明跳出曲线的束缚。

3.Over time, managers came to find the experience curve too imprecise to help them much with specific business plans.随着时间的推移,经营人员发现经验曲线在帮助他们制定具体的业务计划时也并完全精确。

4.The cost of materials does not fall on the experience curve .材料成本不位于经验曲线上。

5.The strategic imppcations of the experience curve came closer to shattering earth.经验曲线的战略影响让人震惊。

6.The experience curve is an idea developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in the mid-1960s.经验曲线是上世纪六十年代中期由波士顿咨询公司(BCG,BostonConsultingGroup)提出的。

7.Where Economies of scale Meet the Experience curve ?规模经济符合经验曲线