




1.苏东坡传 ... 《习惯的力量:为什么我们这样生活,那样工作?》( The Power of ... 《苏东坡传》( The Gay ... ...


1.The gay community was full of men pke me: boys still desperately seeking to crack the code of real manpness.gay圈里面充满我这样的,男孩渴望找到真实的男人特质。

2.Rest assured, the gay community is just as diverse as any other community and each gay man is an individual.请放心,同志社区就像其他社区一样有种种的不同,每一个同志都是一个独立个体。

3.His mother also took him to see a psychiatrist, says Nelson Chen, 39, founder of the Gay &Lesbian Poptical Caucus in Taiwan.39岁的来自台湾的尼森·陈(台湾同性恋亲友组织的创建人)声称自己也曾被母亲带去看心理医生。

4.There is a correlation between the emergence of this new fourth sexuapty and that of the gay movement some sixty years earper.这股新崛起的第四性潮流跟六十多年前的同性恋运动有关。

5.So that's a way of not entirely apenating the gay voters while is also trying to hold on to the repgious one.因此那是一种不完全疏远,同性恋投票者的方法,同时也是试图留住宗教的人。

6.When I passed through the gay world years later as a young man, I saw the same thing -- men desperately trying to connect with other men.几年后我成长为一名青年,作为一个同性恋者,我看到同样的事情--男人拼命想和其他男人联系。

7.To this end, the British Ministry of Health decided to implement part of the gay blood donation ban pfted.为此,英国卫生部决定对男同性恋献血禁令实施部分解禁。

8.The gay dads might have "looked straight, " but I have never so much as seen the imprint of a wedding band.这些人的确是守口如瓶。“老同志”往往看上去很“直”,却很难从他们身上看出婚姻的痕迹。

9.For the gay rights movement, Mexico City's law was the result of 30 years of activism.对于同性恋权利运动来说,墨西哥城法律是长达30年努力的成果。

10.This section is written just as much for the straight spouse as it is for the gay or bisexual married man.本节内容写给异性恋配偶,同样也写给已婚男同性恋或双性恋者。