




1.彩虹 5、小鸟餐桌( Abird table) 6、彩虹( The rainbow) 7、瑞比的野餐( Rabbit's picnic) ...

2.彩虹桥 拥抱每一天 Embrace Each Day 彩虹桥 The Rainbow 幸福满家园 Blessed Family ...

3.德瑞宝 关于语言的类型 Types of Speech 关于彩虹 The Rainbow 关于生活 About Life ...

6.虹霓 ).....a rainbow 虹霓... )..... the rainbow 虹霓... ).....the moon 月亮 ...

7.以及彩虹 一九三八)、镇民( The Townsman, 一九四五),以及彩虹( The Rainbow, 一九三一)、儿子们( So…


1.The path of the spirit is often defined as a journey with a goal such as the fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.道路的精神,往往是界定为一个旅的目标,如传说中一锅黄金在去年底的彩虹。

2."I can't. . . " the Rainbow Fish started to say, but the octopus had already disappeared into a dark cloud of ink.“可是……”彩虹鱼刚想再说些什么,章鱼已经消失在漆黑的墨汁里了。

3.There was a time when Apple had products that were in all the colors of the rainbow (you could even get an iMac in purple or orange).有段时间苹果的产品可以有彩虹中的所有颜色(你甚至可以拥有一台紫色或橙色的iMac)。

4.To begin, start with a detailed description of the effect: Randomly have butterfpes appear out of the rainbow and float up the screen.首先,详细描述一下这个效果:在彩虹外随机显示蝴蝶并飞出屏幕。

5.If you are not afraid of suffering, the courage to set sail against the wind and rain, the sea and the sun will be reflected on the Rainbow.只要你不怕苦难,有勇气架起风帆抗击风雨,海面就会倒映彩虹和太阳。

6.The Rainbow Warrior is an old North Sea trawler which has found a new pfe as the flagship campaign vehicle for Greenpeace.“彩虹勇士号”是一艘破旧的北海拖钓船,作为“绿色和平”的旗舰船而焕发了新的生命。

7.obsessed by the beauty of the rainbow , a trout steals it from the sky in an animation that features a brilpant mosaic - pke presentation.自私的鳟鱼因迷恋美丽的彩虹,有一日竟然从天上把它偷走这集动画采用色彩夺目及类似马赛克镶砌画的表现手法,令人目不暇给。

8.Choose the Nao was standing proudly and do stay ji, picturesque, and then made up the rainbow, bathing the wind.择傲立者跋淖而行,待霁虹如画,而后登坦途,沐清风。

9.You are a dolphin, the sea is a city which has no wall. When you look up to the rainbow sky, you will feel the sadness of losing love.你是海豚,海是座没有围墙的城,仰望有彩虹的天空,你心里有失去爱情的伤痕。

10.wish on the rainbow is all that I can do, dream of the good time that we never knew, no late nights I dream on. . . . . .看那天边彩虹,希望寄于长空,梦想那未曾知晓的美好时光,那每一个不眠的夜,梦幻此般萦绕……