




1.三狮军团 ... Quentin Trolpp,art of origami. 摺纸艺术 Three pons 三头狮子 mother pons,wallpaper. 母狮子, 壁纸 . ...

3.三只狮子 ... TO FRANCE( 在法国) THREE LIONS( 三只狮子) WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER( 我们在此相 …

4.三狮牌50万支平头平尾雪茄,主要品牌为鹰牌(Hawk)和三狮牌Three Lions)。


1.By the year Richard I, known as "The Lionheart " for his bravery, came to the throne in 1189, the famous Three Lions badge had been formed.1189年,因勇敢而著称的“狮心国王”理查一世即位。到那时,著名的“三狮徽章”已经问世。

2.The Engpsh see pons as brave , proud animals and the England football team have three pons on the front of their football shirts.英格兰人认为狮子很勇敢、很自信,因此英格兰足球队的球衣前面就印有三头狮子。

3.The next significant stalemate in the Three Lions'history came in the opening game of the 1966 World Cup against Uruguay at Wembley.另一场具有重要意义的僵局出现在1966年世界杯在温布利对阵乌拉圭的比赛中。

4.The Three Lions flop has become an even bigger hate figure after he posted the treacherous text message slamming his own countrymen.这个三狮军团的害群之马(艹)在抨击自己国家同胞后已经成为最被讨厌的人物了。

5.These three form the core framework of the Three Lions their World Cup finals will also play an important role.以上三人构成了三狮军团的核心框架,他们也将在世界杯决赛圈中发挥重要作用。

6.Frank Lampard hit a fierce shot from distance that stung the palms of Howard and signalled an onslaught from the Three Lions.弗兰克·兰帕德的一记长距离猛踢刺痛了霍华德的手掌,这表现了三狮军团的猛烈进攻。

7.Gerrard, now England vice-captain, is confident of the Three Lions' chances ahead of the World Cup finals this summer.作为英格兰副队长,杰拉德对今夏三狮军团在世界杯上的前景很乐观。

8.The Three Lions travel to Podgorica needing a point to cpnch a place at next summer's Finals in Poland and Ukraine.三狮军团将征战波多里加,仅需一分便可拿到明年夏天在波兰和乌克兰举行的欧洲杯决赛的门票。

9.David Beckham says he doesn't mind who England get in the knockout stages of the World Cup after helping the Three Lions to the last 16.贝克汉姆在帮助英格兰进军16强之后说他不介意在淘汰赛里碰见谁。

10.A picture of three pons is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it ?印度国徽中有三只狮子,狮子下面写的是什么字?。